Perbaikan kualitas produksi bolt welding m6 x12 dengan Metode Six Sigma dan Multi Attribute Failure Mode Analysis (MAFMA) di PT. Artomoro Precision
P T. Artomoro Precision merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi baut, sekrup,dan paku keling berkualitas tinggi. Berdasarkan data perusahaan, rata-ratapersentase cacat untuk produk Bolt Welding M6 x 12 sebesar 2,73% dan telahmelebihi batas toleransi yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan sebesar 2%. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kualitas Bolt Welding M6 x 12 dan meminimasikecacatan dengan mengetahui nilai RPN kecacatan tertinggi dan bobot tertinggipenyebab kecacatan berdasarkan perhitungan Multi Attribute Failure ModeAnalysis (MAFMA) serta usulan perbaikan yang tepat untuk permasalahan tersebut.Untuk penyelesaian permasalahan kecacatan tersebut digunakan metode Six Sigmadengan tahapan Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC). Pada tahapDefine dilakukan pembuatan Diagram SIPOC dan identifikasi Critical to Quality(CTQ). Terdapat 4 jenis kecacatan pada produk Bolt Welding M6 x 12 yaitu burry,bagian kepala pecah, ulir tidak sempurna, dan dirty. Pada tahap Measure dilakukanperhitungan peta kendali, perhitungan DPMO dan penentuan nilai tingkat sigma.Tingkat sigma produk Bolt Welding M6 x 12 sebelum dilakukan perbaikan adalah3,98 sigma. Pada tahap analyze dilakukan analisis terhadap kecacatanmenggunakan Diagram Pareto, Diagram Ishikawa, Five Why Analysis, FailureMode Effect and Analysis (FMEA), dan Multi Attribute Failure Model Analysis(MAFMA). Hasil analisis pada tahap Analyze yang menggunakan Diagram Pareto,Diagram Ishikawa, Five Why Analysis, dan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis(FMEA), didapatkan bahwa penyebab kegagalan berupa ulir tidak sempurna, dirty,dan burry. Nilai RPN tertinggi terdapat pada ulir tidak full atau kurang dari 12 mmdengan nilai 336. Selanjutnya, penyebab - penyebab kegagalan tersebut dijadikandasar pembuatan Multi Attribute Failure Mode Analysis (MAFMA). Berdasarkanhasil perhitungan Multi Attribute Failure Mode Analysis (MAFMA), maka dipilihpenyebab kecacatan paling dominan terjadi pada kecacatan pada ulir tidaksempurna yaitu dies aus dengan bobot sebesar 0,248388207. Pada tahap Improvedilakukan pemberian usulan perbaikan berupa form pemeriksaan oli mesin rollingdan checksheet harian pemakaian dies pada mesin rolling. Implementasi usulanperbaikan dilaksanakan selama 5 hari. Setelah diterapkan implementasi usulanperbaikan terjadi penurunan nilai DPMO sebesar 6100 dan tingkat sigma menjadi4,0063 dengan peningkatan sebesar 0,0263.
P T. Artomoro Precision is a company that produces high quality bolts, screws andrivets. Based on company data, the average percentage of defects for Bolt WeldingM6 x 12 products is 2.73% and has exceeded the tolerance limit set by the companyby 2%. The purpose of this study was to improve the quality of Bolt Welding M6 x12 and minimize disability by knowing the highest disability RPN value and thehighest weight of disability causes based on multi attribute failure mode analysis(MAFMA) calculation and the right improvement proposal for the problem. Tosolve the problem of disability is used Six Sigma method with define-measureanalyze-improve-control (DMAIC) stage. At the Define stage, SIPOC Diagramsand Critical to Quality (CTQ) identification are carried out. There are 4 types ofdefects in bolt welding M6 x 12 products, namely burry, broken head, imperfectthread, and dirty. At the Measure stage, control map calculation, DPMOcalculation and sigma level value determination are performed. The sigma level ofBolt Welding M6 x 12 products before repair is 3.98 sigma. At the analyze stage,analysis of disability is done using Pareto Diagram, Ishikawa Diagram, Five WhyAnalysis, Failure Mode Effect and Analysis (FMEA), and Multi Attribute FailureModel Analysis (MAFMA). Analysis results at the Analyze stage using ParetoDiagram, Ishikawa Diagram, Five Why Analysis, and Failure Mode and EffectAnalysis (FMEA), found that the cause of failure is imperfect, dirty, and burrythreads. The highest RPN value found on the thread is not full or less than 12 mmwith a value of 336. Furthermore, the causes of these failures are used as the basisfor the creation of Multi Attribute Failure Mode Analysis (MAFMA). Based on theresults of the calculation of Multi Attribute Failure Mode Analysis (MAFMA), themost dominant cause of disability occurred in imperfect thread defects, namely dieswear with a weight of 0.248388207. In the Improve stage, the proposedimprovement is done in the form of rolling engine oil inspection form and dailychecksheet of dies usage on the rolling machine. Implementation of the proposedimprovement is carried out for 5 days. After the implementation of the proposedimprovement there was a decrease in the DPMO value by 6100 and the sigma rateto 4.0063 with an increase of 0.0263.