Pengaruh penambhan Cu terhadap nilai keras AI
T ugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tembaga terhadap nilai keras Aliminium. Varian Tembaga adalah 10%, 15%, 32%, dan 53%. Metodologi. Al dan Cu ditimbang sesuai kadarnya masing-masing kemudian di remelting. Cairan paduan kemudian dicetak pada cetakan pasir. Sampel lalu diuji keras Rockwell dan Metalografi. Hasil penelitian. Sampel paduan Al-10%Cu dan Al-35%Cu tidak dapat digunakan karena hancur. Nilai keras Rockwell pada penelitian Al-15%Cu dan Al-53%Cu berturut-turut adalah 67,4 kg/mm2, 55,3 kg/mm2. Porositas Al-10%Cu dan AI-35%Cu berturut-turut 4,4% dan 6,8%. Nilai keras pada produk (As Cast) dengan nilai porositas yang semakin besar menurunkan nilai keras Al. Kesimpulan. Penambahan kadar Cu dari 15% hingga 53% menurunkan nilai keras Aluminium.
T his Thesis discusses about the effect of adding Cu and the porosity to hardness of Al. In this study, the addition of Cu was conducted with variation 10%, 15%, 32%, and 53%. Al-10%Cu and Al-35%Cu cannot be measured due to both of these product (As Cast) was broken. The values of Rockwell hardness for Al-10%Cu and Al-35%Cu was observed in a row 67,4 kg/mm2, 55,3 kg/mm2. In this study, percentage of porosity was observed in a row 4,4% and 6,8%. Based on the results, hardness value of sample with greater porosity decreases the hardness of Al, in accordance with the literature review that greater the porosity, hardness value will decrease.