Peranan mineral, kalsium, fosfor, dan vitamin D terhadap proses mineralisasi tulang dan gigi (Studi pustaka)
K alsium adalah minreral yang dibutuhkan untuk membentuk tulang dan gigi, serta berperan dalam vitalitas otot. Metabolisme kalsium dalam tubuh dipengaruhi oleh hormon paratiroid, kalsitonin, vitmain D. Metabolisme mineral kalsium da fosfor di dalam tubuh berhubungan erat dengan metabolisme vitamin D. mineral fosfor dibutuhkan untuk perlekatan garam-garam kalsium yang merupakan komponen utama jaringan tulang dan jaringan keras gigi seperti; email, dentin dan sementum. Vit.D meningkatkan penyerapan pada saluran pencernaan , juga membantu meningkatkan protein pengikat kalsium yang mampu membawa ion tersebut masuk ke dalam sirkulasi darah.
C alcium is mineral needed to form bones and teeth, and it is important for muscle vitality. It is mostly contained in such foods as fish (1200mg), dried shrimp (1209 mg). calcium metabolism in the body is influenced by parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, vitamin D the function of parathyroid hormone is to icrease bone resorption, whereas hormone calcitonin is used to reuced bone calcium when serum calcium overloaded . Metabolism of mineral calcium and phosphorus in the body in closely linked to the mtabolism of vitamin D.Besides the phoporus mineral is needed for attachment of calcium salts which are the maor component of bone tissue and dental hard tissue such as email, dentin and cementum. Vitamin D function to improve calcium absorption in the digestive system especially by increasing the calcium absorption in the intestine and reduce disposal through the kidneys. .morcover, vitamin D can produce protein binding the calcium ions penetrate the cell, so that the ions can pass trough the blood circulation.