Analaysis of noise exposure to workers health at PT. Semen Padang, West Sumatera


Oleh : Muchamad Irvan Zulmi

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2018

Pembimbing 1 : Melati Ferianita Fachrul

Pembimbing 2 : Pramiati Purwaningrum

Subyek : Noise analysis;Human resources;Management of the environment

Kata Kunci : analysis of exposure, noise, health of workers, PT Semen Padang

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2018_TA_STL_08211029_Halaman-judul.pdf
2. 2018_TA_STL_08211029_Bab-1.pdf
3. 2018_TA_STL_08211029_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2018_TA_STL_08211029_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2018_TA_STL_08211029_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2018_TA_STL_08211029_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2018_TA_STL_08211029_Daftar-pustaka.pdf
8. 2018_TA_STL_08211029_Lampiran.pdf

P T Semen Padang, Sumatera Barat merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri semen dan merupakan salah satu produsen semen terbesar di Indonesia. Untuk mengoptimalkan hasil produksi semen PT Semen Padang mempunyai 5 unit produksi semen yang berada pada area Indarung (II, III, IV, V dan VI). Unit produksi di PT Semen Padang terdiri dari beberapa area kerja diantaranya yaitu area Cement Mill, area Preheater, area Silo Cement, area Coal Mill, area Pregrinder, area Boiler, area Conveyor Klinker, area Silo Klinker, dan area Conveyor. Area penelitian dibagi atas 15 titik sampling berdasarkan sumber bising. Tujuan penelitian di PT Semen Padang adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat kebisingan di unit produksi PT Semen Padang area Indarung (I, II, III, IV, V dan VI), menganalisis bahaya dan risiko kebisingan terhadap pekerja di unit produksi semen PT Semen Padang, menganalisis pengendalian risiko kebisingan pada unit produksi semen PT Semen Padang, menganalisis sebaran kebisingan menggunakan peta kontur kebisingan pada unit produksi semen PT Semen Padang. Nilai Ambang Batas (NAB) mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi No 13/Men/X/2011 yaitu sebesar 85 dB(A). Hasil penelitian tingkat kebisingan yang melebihi NAB terdapat 9 titik pengukuran yaitu Cement Mill (titik 1) sebesar 86,4 dB(A), Preheater (titik 2) sebesar 89,3 dB(A), Cement Mill (titik 3) sebesar 88,5 dB(A), Preheater (titik 4) sebesar 89,6 dB(A), Silo Cement (titik 5) sebesar 88,7 dB(A), Pregrinder (titik 7) sebesar 89,7 dB(A), Boiler (titik 8) sebesar 87,3 dB(A), Silo Cement (titik 11) sebesar 88,8 dB(A), dan Cement Mill (titik 15) sebesar 88,8 dB(A). Pada analisis hubungan paparan bising terhadap pekerja dengan metode epidemiologi dengan rumus Odds Ratio (OR) diperoleh hasil paparan kebisingan terhadap gangguan mudah stress (OR = 5,1), gangguan pendengaran (OR = 14,5), gangguan sakit kepala (OR = 7,6), dan peningkatan tekanan darah (OR = 4,7). Hasil pemetaan kontur kebisingan sebaran tingkat kebisingan tertinggi yang melewati Nilai Ambang Batas (NAB) terdapat pada area Indarung (II, IV dan V) yang berasal dari unit produksi yang berada di area tersebut..

P T Semen Padang, West Sumatra is a company which is moves on the cement industry and one of the largest cement proucers in Indonesia. Optimizing production results, PT Semen Padang consists of 5 production unit, there are Indarung area (II, III, IV, V, and VI).. Production unit at PT Semen Padang consists of several work areas including Cement Mill area, Preheater area, Silo Cement area, Coal Mill area, Pregrinder area, Boiler area, Conveyor Klinker area, Silo Klinker area, and Conveyor area. The research area is divided into 15 sampling points based on noise sources. The purpose of the researchers to conduct research at PT Semen Padang is to analyse noise exposure at production unit at PT Semen Padang Indarung area (I, II, III, IV, V, and VI), hazards analyze and noisk risk on workers in the cement production unit of PT. Semen Padang, analyze risk control of noise in the PT Semen Padang cement production unit, analyzing the distribution of noise using a contour map at PT Semen Padang's cement production unit. Threshold Limit Value (TLV) refer on Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Regulation No. 13 / Men / X / 2011 which is 85 dB (A). The results of the noise level exceeds TLV there are 9 measurement points, namely Cement Mill (point 1) of 86.4 dB (A), Preheater (point 2) of 89.3 dB (A), Cement Mill (point 3) of 88, 5 dB (A), Preheater (point 4) of 89.6 dB (A), Silo Cement (point 5) of 88.7 dB (A), Pregrinder (point 7) of 89.7 dB (A), Boiler (point 8) is 87.3 dB (A), Silo Cement (point 11) is 88.8 dB (A), and Cement Mill (point 15) is 88.8 dB (A). The relation of noise exposure analysis towards workers with epidemiological methods using Odds Ratio (OR) formula found the results of noise exposure to easily stress disorder (OR = 5.1), hearing loss (OR = 14.5), headache disorder (OR = 7,6), and an increase blood pressure (OR = 4.7). Result of contour mapping show the highest noise distribution that exceeds to Threshold Limit Value (TLV) at Indarung area (II, IV, and V) from the production units in the area.

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