Pengaruh leadership dan reward system terhadap job satisfaction yang di mediasi oleh motivationdi PT. Sari Ater Hotel & Resort Subang Jawa Barat
T ujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh Leadership,Reward System, Motivasion dan Job Satisfaction. Dalam penelitian ini, sampel yangdi ambil berasal dari karyawan di PT Sari ater Hotel & Resort Subang Jawa Barat.Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 136 responden menggunakansensus melalui penyebaran kuesioner menggunakan google form. Dalammenganalisis penelitian ini menggunakan uji instrument berupa uji validitas,ujireabilitas serta pengujian hipotesis menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM)serta pengujian statistic deksriptif dengan menggunakan software Amos versi 25.Hasil penelitian menunjukan motivation memoderasi pengaruh leadership terhadapjob satisfaction, rewards systems menunjukan tidak terdapat pengaruh terhadap jobsatisfaction yang memediasi Motivation. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaanperlu meningkatkan dan mempertahankan leadership,reward system,motivation danjob satisfaction dengan merancang system promosi yang adil dan juga memberikansupport seperti pelatihan atau sertifikasi yang mendukung karir karyawan.
T he purpose of this research is to analyze the effect Leadership, RewardSystem, Motivation and Job Satisfaction. In this study, the samples taken came fromemployees at PT Sari Ater Hotel & Resort Subang, West Java. Sampling in this studyas many as 136 respondents using sense by distributing questionnaires using theGoogle form. In analyzing this study using instrument tests in the form of validitytests, reliability tests and hypothesis testing using the Structural Equation Model(SEM) as well as descriptive statistical testing using software Amos version 25. Theexpected results in this study concluded that respondents have perceptions ofleadership is good, the test results show that there is a positive and significant effectof leadership on motivation, the reward system was found to have no effect onmotivation, the test results show that leadership has no direct influence on jobsatisfaction, reward system was found to have an influence on job satisfaction, Thesixth hypothesis testing shows leadership have influence over job satisfaction bymediation motivation, reward system can not be a mediator in the relationshipbetween leadership to job satisfaction. The conclusion from this research is thecompany needs to improve and maintain Job Satisfaction to design a fair promotionsystem and also provide support such as training or certification that supports employee careers.