Pengaruh dimensi organization commitment dan procedural justice terhadap turnover intention pada PT Ikitech Cikarang
P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh organizationalcommitment dan procedural justice terhadap turnover intention.Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan teknik randomsampling kepada 50 responden yang bekerja pada PT Ikitech. Alat analisis data yangdigunakan untuk menguji validitas adalah Cross Sectional, uji hipotesismenggunakan Software SPSS dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan cronbach’s alpha.Hasil penilitian yang didapat dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensiorganizational commitment yang terdiri dari 3 dimensi yaitu dimensi affectivecommitment berpengaruh negatif terhadap variabel turnover intention, dimensicontinuance commitment berpengaruh negatif terhadap variabel turnover intention,dimensi normative commitment berpengaruh negatif terhadap variabel turnoverintention. Dan variable procedural justice berpengaruh negativ terhadap turnoverintention.Peneliti selanjutnya disarankan untuk meneliti perusahaan-perusahaan lainyayang memiliki fenomena serupa pada perusahaan tersebut, menambahkan jumlahresponden dan menggunakan variabel-variabel lain yang mungkin masih memilikihubungan seperti work environment, attitude dan managerial performance.
T he research objective is to analyze the influence of organizationalcommitment and procedural justice on turnover intention.The method used for collecting data is by distributing questionnaires to 50respondents who work at PT Ikitech. The validity test is conducted using CrossSectional, the hypotheses testing is conducted by using SPSS Software and and thereliability test is conducted using cronbach's alpha.The result of research obtained from the research shows that organizationalcommitment dimension consisting of 3 dimension that is Affective Commitmentdimension has negative effect to turnover intention variable, dimension ofContinuance Commitment has negative effect to turnover intention variable,Normative Commitment dimension negatively affect turnover intention variable.And procedural justice variables negatively affect the turnover intention.For future research is suggested to examine other companies that havesimilar phenomena in the company, adding the number of respondents and usingother variables that may still have relationships such as work environment, Attitudeand managerial performance.