Pengaruh person-job fit, work-family conflict, perceived organizational support terhadap turnover intention pada perusahaan retail di jakarta.
P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Person-Job Fit, Work-Family Conflict, Perceived Organizational Support, terhadap Turnover Intention pada Perusahaan Retail di Jakarta. Variabel independent dalam penelitian ini adalah Person-Job Fit, Work-Family Conflict, dan Perceived Organizational Support dan variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah Turnover Intention. Data dikumpulkan dari 160 responden sebagai sample. Penelitian ini menggunakan statistic deskriptif dengan menhitung rata-rata dan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda melalui SPSS Versi 25. Hasil hipotessis dalam pengujian ini menunjukkan tidak terdapat pengaruh positif Person-Job Fit terhadap Turnover Intention, terdapat pengaruh positif Work-Family Conflict terhadap Turnover Intention, dan terdapat pengaruh negatif Perceived Organizational Support terhadap Turnover Intention. Implikasi manajerial dalam penelitian ini yaitu memperhatikan pekerjaan para karyawan agar, karyawan tidak menerima beban kerja yang berlebihan yang menyebabkan terjadinya lembur yang berlebihan dan membuat terjadinya work family conflict.
T his study aims to analyze the influence of Person-Job Fit, Work-Family Conflict, Perceived Organizational Support, on Turnover Intention in Retail Companies in Jakarta. The independent variables in this study are Person-Job Fit, Work-Family Conflict, and Perceived Organizational Support and the dependent variable in this study is Turnover Intention. Data were collected from 160 respondents as samples. This study uses descriptive statistics by calculating the average and using multiple regression analysis through SPSS Version 25. The results of the hypothesis in this test indicate that there is no positive influence of Person-Job Fit on Turnover Intention, there is a positive influence of Work-Family Conflict on Turnover Intention, and there is a negative influence of Perceived Organizational Support on Turnover Intention. The managerial implications in this study are to pay attention to the work of employees so that employees do not receive excessive workloads that cause excessive overtime and create work-family conflict.