Anteseden dari brand equity pada Starbucks Indonesia
T ujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh perceived socialmedia marketing activities terhadap brand equity, menganalisis pengaruh perceivedsocial media marketing activities terhadap brand experience, menganalisis pengaruhbrand experience terhadap brand equity, dan menganalisis pengaruh perceived socialmedia marketing activities terhadap brand equity yang dimediasi oleh brandexperience. Metode yang akan digunakan oleh peneliti dalam penelitian ini yaitumetode kuantitatif. Pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode SEM atauStructural Equation Model yang dibantu dengan software AMOS 22.Hasil penelitian dan analisa yang diperoleh kesimpulannya perceived socialmedia marketing activities tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap brand equity, perceivedsocial media marketing activities memiliki pengaruh terhadap brand experience,brand experience memiliki pengaruh terhadap brand equity, dan brand experiencememediasi pengaruh perceived social media marketing activities terhadap brandequity.
T he purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of perceived social mediamarketing activities on brand equity, to analyze the effect of perceived social mediamarketing activities on brand experience, to analyze the effect of brand experience onbrand equity, and to analyze the effect of perceived social media marketing activitieson brand equity mediated by brand experience. The method that will be used by theresearcher in this research is the quantitative method. In this study, researchers usedthe SEM method or Structural Equation Model assisted by AMOS 22 software.The results of the research and analysis concluded that perceived socialmedia marketing activities have not an influence on brand equity, perceived socialmedia marketing activities have an influence on brand experience, brand experiencehas an influence on brand equity, and brand experience mediates the effect ofperceived social media marketing activities on brand equity.