Perancangan lean sustainable manufacturing pada PT. Top Intera Jaya
P T. Top Intera Jaya adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri manufaktur fashion tas wanita. Pada penelitian ini yang akan menjadi obyek pemetaan adalah proses produksi pembuatan tas Lynella Crossbody. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melakukan analisis dan penyelesaian masalah terkait upaya peningkatan efisiensi produksi dengan menggunakan konsep sustainable lean manufacturing. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah banyaknya defect yang terjadi selama proses produksi serta terjadi waste transportation dan inappropriate processing. Waste tersebut disebabkan dengan adanya pola yang cacat, pemindahan barang dan proses yang berlebih. Perusahaan memberlakukan jam kerja yaitu 13 jam 15 menit setiap harinya dan menyebabkan banyak pekerja kelelahan dan kepuasan kerja yang berkurang. Penelitian untuk sustainaible manufacturing dilakukan dengan mengetahui sustainability awareness perusahaan, sustainability drivers, sustainability barriers dan benefits of sustainability menggunakan kuesioner. Sustainability index dihitung untuk analisa sustainable manufacturing. Data-data yang terkumpul dilakukan pengolahan data yaitu penentuan waktu baku dan dianalisa aktivitas-aktivitas produksi yang termasuk dalam value added, non value added dan necessary non value added kemudian dibuat current state sustainable value stream mapping. Hasil analisa ditemukan waste dan mencari tahu akar penyebab terjadinya menggunakan diagram ishikawa. Berdasarkan analisa, pada proses produksi terdapat waste defect, transportation dan inappropriate processing yang didapatkan lead time sebesar 25407,4 detik dan process cycle efficiency sebesar 31%. Sustainability Index yang dihasilkan pada perusahaan saat ini yaitu sebesar 260% yang dapat diartikan perusahaan belum menerapkan sustainable manufacturing sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan. Pada penelitian ini usulan perbaikan terhadap faktor ekonomi sustainability diantaranya mengilangkan waste berlebih pada proses produksi sehingga didapatkan penurunan lead time menjadi 23938,7 detik dan process cycle efficiency juga meningkat menjadi 33,83%, serta penggunaan alat bantu berupa container box yang dipilih dengan metode matriks perbandingan. Usulan faktor sosial dengan mengadakan pelatihan karyawan, usulan 5S, menetapkan jam kerja standar, peningkatan jumlah training pekerja dan rolling pelatihan. Usulan faktor lingkungan memutus arus listrik pada mesin yang tidak digunakan, atau upgrade mesin yang menggunakan daya rendah. Nilai perbaikan sustainability index yaitu sebesar 65% sehingga terjadi penurunan nilai sustainability index dan disimpulkan perusahaan sudah semakin mendekati konsep sustainable manufacturing bila melakukan perbaikan.
P T. Top Intera Jaya is a company engaged in the women's fashion bag manufacturing industry. In this research, the object of mapping is the production process of making the Lynella Crossbody bag. The purpose of this research is to analyze and solve problems related to efforts to increase production efficiency by using the concept of sustainable lean manufacturing. The problems faced are the many defects that occur during the production process as well as transportation waste and inappropriate processing. The waste are supported by defective patterns, removal of excess goods and processes. The company imposes working hours of 13 hours 15 minutes per day and causes many workers to be tired and job satisfaction decreases. Research for sustainable manufacturing is done by knowing the company's sustainability awareness, sustainability drivers, sustainability barriers and benefits of sustainability using a questionnaire. Sustainability index is calculated for sustainable manufacturing analysis. The collected data is processed by data processing, namely determining the standard time and analyzing the production activities which are included in value added, non value added and necessary non value added, then creating a current state sustainable value stream mapping. The results of the analysis are found waste and find out the roots the cause of the occurrence using the Ishikawa diagram. Based on the analysis, the production process contains waste defects, transportation and inappropriate processing which have a lead time of 25407.4 seconds and a process cycle efficiency of 31%. The current sustainability index produced by the company is 260% which means that the company has not implemented sustainable manufacturing yet, so it needs to be improved. In this study, the proposed improvement in economic factors is to eliminate excess waste so that the lead time is reduced to 23938.7 seconds and the process cycle efficiency also increases to 33.83%, the use of tools in the form of a container box using a comparison matrix. Suggested social factors by holding employee training, 5S proposal, setting standard working hours, increasing the number of worker training and rolling training. Suggested environmental factors cut off the electricity in unused machines, or upgrade machines using low power. The value of sustainability index improvement is 65%, so there is a decrease in the value of the sustainability index and it is concluded that the company is getting closer to the concept of sustainable manufacturing if it makes improvements.