Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi continuance intention
P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Faktor-Faktor YangMempengaruhi Continuance Intention. Penelitian ini menggunakan respondenyang didapat sesuai kriteria dengan metode pengambilan sampel purposivesampling sebanyak 144 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan cross sectionaldan pengolahan datanya menggunakan statistik Structural Equation Modelling(SEM) dengan menggunakan software AMOS 26. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukanbahwa Customer’s Confirmation berpengaruh positif terhadap Dinning Attitudes,Perceived usefulness berpengaruh positif terhadap Dinning Attitudes, DinningAttitudes berpengaruh positif terhadap E-Satisfaction dan E-Satisfactionberpengaruh positif terhadap Continuance Intention. Dari hasil penelitian inidiharapkan tetap menjaga manfaat yang dirasakan oleh konsumen yang lebihmengacu pada keyakinan bahwa penggunaan teknologi pada pemesanan makananonline akan meningkatkan kinerja pekerjaan, ketepatan waktu pengirimanmakanan secara online juga perlu diperhatikan, agar konsumen merasa aplikasi gofood sangat bermanfaat bagi dirinya dan konsumen akan secara langsung terikatsecara emosional.
T his study aims to analyze the Factors Affecting Continuance Intention. This studyused respondents who were obtained according to the criteria by using purposivesampling method as many as 144 respondents. This study uses cross sectional anddata processing uses statistical Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS26 software. The results of this study indicate that Customer's Confirmation has apositive effect on Dinning Attitudes, Perceived usefulness has a positive effect onDinning Attitudes, Dinning Attitudes has a positive effect on E- Satisfaction andE-Satisfaction have a positive effect on Continuance Intention. From the results ofthis study it is hoped that consumers will continue to maintain the benefits felt byconsumers, which refers more to the belief that the use of technology in onlinefood ordering will improve job performance, the timeliness of online food deliveryalso needs to be considered, so that consumers feel the go food application is verybeneficial for themselves and consumers will be directly attached emotionally.