Implementasi enterprise resource planning (erp) odooversi 15.0 modul manufacturing pada cv. razzaq berkah mulia
D i era modern, digitalisasi telah memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap berbagaibidang bisnis, dengan teknologi menjadi kunci utama dalam mempermudah kinerjaperusahaan. Digitalisasi sistem perusahaan kini menjadi kewajiban, dan integrasidata sangat penting untuk analisis yang mendukung kemajuan perusahaan.Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) adalah perangkat lunak yangmenyederhanakan operasional perusahaan dengan mengintegrasikan berbagaimodul aplikasi bisnis seperti Inventory, Accounting, Sales, Point of Sales,Manufacturing, Contact, Website, dan Purchasing. CV Razzaq Berkah Mulia, yangmemiliki potensi bersaing dengan perusahaan furnitur internasional, belumsepenuhnya mengadopsi sistem informasi dalam manajemennya. Minimnyadigitalisasi ini dapat menimbulkan kerugian dan kesalahan pencatatan yangmenghambat kinerja bisnis mereka. Implementasi ERP Odoo yang optimal danvalid hasilnya sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan efisiensi operasionalCV Razzaq Bekah Mulia. Implementasi ini akan melewati beberapa fase, yaituDiscovery and Planning, Design, Development, Testing, Deployment, dan Support.Pada tahap Discovery and Planning, kebutuhan perusahaan akan diidentifikasi danstrategi implementasi akan direncanakan. Tahap Design akan merancang sistemsesuai kebutuhan, sementara tahap Development akan melibatkan pembuatan dankonfigurasi sistem. Pada tahap Testing, sistem akan diuji untuk memastikanfungsionalitasnya, dan tahap Deployment akan melibatkan peluncuran sistem kelingkungan operasional. Akhirnya, tahap Support akan menyediakan dukunganpasca-implementasi. Hasil akhir dari pengembangan ini dapat diterima dandilaksanakan untuk implementasi Odoo pada CV. Razzaq Berkah Mulia melaluiUTAUT dengan nilai kepuasan Performance Expectancy 88%, Effort Expectancy88%, Supporting Facilities 88,4%, Facilitating Conditions 91%, Attitude TowardsTechnology 89,2%, Behavioral Intention 90,8%.
I n the modern era, digitalization has had a significant impact on various business fields,with technology being the main key in fascilitating company performance. Digitalizationof company systems is now an obligation, data integration is essential for analysis thatsupports company progress. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is software thatsimplifies company operations by integrating various business application modules suchas Inventory, Accounting, Sales, Point of Sales, Manufacturing, Contact, Website, andPurchasing. CV Razzaq Berkah Mulia, which has the potential to compete withinternational furniture companies, has not fully adopted information systems in itsmanagement. This lack of digitalization can lead to losses and recording errors that hindertheir business performance. An optimized and valid implementation of Odoo ERP isessential to improve the quality and operational efficiency of CV Razzaq Berkah Mulia.This Implementation will go through several phases, namely Discovery and Planning,Design, Development, Testing, Deployment, and Support. At the Discovery and Planningstage, the company\\\'s needs will be identified and an implementation strategy will beplanned. The Design stage will design the system as per the requirements, while theDevelopment stage will involve the creation and configuration of the system. At the Testingstage, the system will be tested to ensure its functionality, and the Deployment stage willinvolve launching the system into the operational environment. Finally, the Support stagewill provide post-implementation support. The final result of this development can beaccepted and implemented for the implementation of Odoo at CV. Razzaq Berkah Muliathrough UTAUT with a satisfaction value of Performance Expectancy 88%, EffortExpectancy 88%, Supporting Facilities 88,4%, Facilitating Conditions 91%, AttitudeTowards Technology 89,2%, Behavioral Intention 90,8%.