Pengaruh reputasi underwriter, reputasi auditor, direktur perempuan dan return on equity terhadap underpricing pada saat initial public offering (ipo) di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2015-2017
P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji beberapa faktor yang dianggap mempengaruhi underpricing. Underpricing adalah keadaan di mana harga saham lebih rendah pada IPO dibandingkan dengan ketika dijual di pasarsekunder. Faktor-faktor yang diprediksi mempengaruhi fenomena underpricingadalah reputasi underwriter, reputasi auditor, direktur wanita, dan return onequity. Sumber data diperoleh dari prospektus perusahaan. Berdasarkan datayang diperoleh ada 69 perusahaan yang go public pada tahun 2015-2017 dan 61perusahaan dipilih sebagai sampel menggunakan metode purposive samplingdengan kriteria sebagai saham underpriced.Data dianalisis menggunakan regresi linier berganda untuk mengujihubungan antara underpricing dan reputasi underwriter, reputasi auditor,direktur wanita dan return on equity. Menurut analisis, fenomena underpricingdipengaruhi oleh reputasi underwriter reputasi auditor, dan return on equity.Direktur wanita tidak signifikan mempengaruhi fenomena underpricing.
T he research aims is to examine several factors that are thought to affect underpricing. Underpricing is a circumstance where a share price is lower atIPO compared to when it is sold in secondary market. Factors that predictedaffects underpricing phenomenon is underwriter reputation, auditor reputation,female director, and return on equity Sources of data obtained from company’sprospectus. Based on the data obtained there are 69 companies that go public in2015-2017 and 61 companies are chosen as the sample using purposivesampling method with criteria as underpriced stocks.Data are analyzed using multiple linear regressions to test the relationbetween underpricing and underwriter reputation, auditor reputation, femaledirector and return on equity. According to the analysis, underpricingphenomenon is influenced by underwriter reputation, auditor reputation, andreturn on equity. Female director is not significantly influenced underpricingphenomenon.