Induksi apoptosis jalur mitokondria sel kanker Hela oleh secretome (Laporan Penelitian)
S el puca masekim (SPM) merupakan sel puca dewasa yang bersifat multipoten dan dapat diperoleh dalam jumlah yang banyak dari darah tali pusat (DTP). Banyak literatur yang menyatakan bahwa SPM dapat menginduksi apoptosis sel kanker. Namun banyak juga yang menyatakan bahwa SPM dapat mendukung pertumbuhan kanker. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menyelidiki kemampuan anti-kanker SPM-DTP terhadap lini sel kanker servikal (Hela).Pda penelitian ini sel Hela diberikan perlakuan secretome yang terkandung dalam conditioned medium (CM) yang diperoleh dari kultur SPM-DTP pada konsentrasi 0,2%,2%, 20% selama 24 atau 48 jam. Sel Hela yang mati akibat perlakuan tersebut dihitung dalam analis viabilitas sel dengan pewarnaan trypan blue.Transisi potensial tranmembran mitokondria (PTM) yang terjadi selama apoptosis dideteksi dalam analisis AѱM dengan pewarnaan DiOC₆ menggunakan flow cytometer. Hasil analisis viabilitas sel menunjukan bahwa CM SPM-DTP menginduksi kematian sel Hela, dan dijumpai peningkatan sel Hela yang yang mati seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi dan waktu perlakuan.
M esenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent adult stem cells that can beisolated from umbilical cord blood (UCB). Until now, the anti-cancer effect ofMSCs still remains controversial between scientists. Some evidences demonstratethat MSCs can induce apoptosis of cancer cells. However, there are also studiesthat show MSCs may favor tumor growth. Based on this unclear effect of MSCson tumors, this study is therefore initiated to investigate the anti-cancer effect ofsecretome contained in UCB-MSCs conditioned medium (CM) on cervical cancercell line HeLa in vitro. Hela cells were treated with UCB-MSCs CM in variousconcentrations (0.2%, 2%, and 20%) for 24 or 48 hours. The count of dead HeLacells was evaluated by cell viability analysis using trypan blue. The transition ofmitochondrial transmembrane potential (TMP) which occurs during apoptosis wasassayed by ΔΨM analysis using DiOC6 with flow cytometer. Cell viabilityanalysis showed that death of HeLa cell was induced by UCB-MSCs CM, and anincrease in concentrations and treatment time concomitantly resulted in increasednumber of dead HeLa cells. Treatment of HeLa cells with UCB-MSCs CM 0.2%for 24 hours was sufficient to induce death of HeLa cells. ΔΨM analysis showedthe decrease of TMP, indicating an increase in mitochondrial membranepermeability of HeLa cells These results demonstrated that secretome contained inUCB-MSCs CM had the ability to induce HeLa cell apoptosis via mitochondrialpathway.