Pengaruh delivery service, installation, dan warranty terhadap customer loyalty melalui customer satisfaction
T ujuan makalah skripsi ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh dari Delivery service, Installation,Warranty dan Customer Satisfaction terhadap Customer Loyalty. Kepuasan dan kesetiaan pelanggan diukur dengan menggunakan metode Structural equation modeling. Data dikumpulkan melalui penelitian survei, dan 103 perusahaan pengguna produk elektronik sharp di Jakarta. Shaharudin et al., (2009) menunkukan bahwa ada hubungan antara Delivery service, Installation, Warranty dan Customer Satisfaction terhadap Customer Loyalty. Semakin baik perusahaan meningkatkan After Sales Service seperti Delivery service, Installation dan Warranty maka akan semakin meningkatkan kepuasan dan loyalitas konsumen.
T he purpose of this research paper is to identify the influence of service Delivery, Installation, Warranty and Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty. Satisfaction and customer loyalty is measured using methods Structural equation modeling. Data collected through survey research, and 103 corporate users of electronic products in Jakarta sharp. Shaharudin et al., (2009) menunkukan that there is a relationship between Service Delivery, Installation, Warranty and Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty. The better the company's After Sales Service, such as improving service delivery, Installation and Warranty it will further enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.