Pengaruh defisiensi riboflavin (vitamin B2) pada jaringan lunak mulut (Studi pustaka)
R iboflavin merupakan salah satu jenis dari vitamin B kompleks yang larut di dalam air, berwarna kuning, mempunyai sifat stabil terhadap panas dalam asam dan pH netral, mudah tereduksi, dan tahan terhadap senyawa pengoksidasi. Tetapi riboflavinmudahrusakolehbasadansinarmatahari.Sumber riboflavin dalammakananhewanidapatdiperolehdarihatiayam, sususapi, keju, oyster, daging, dantelur, sedangkan riboflavin nabatibanyakterdapatdalamsayuranhijaudanbuahsepertibrokoli, bayam, asparagus, buncis, alpukat, danpisangambon.Dari jenis serealia dan umbi-umbian banyak terdapat pada bekatul padi, beras pecah kulit, beras merah, tepung wholemeal, jagung, dan ubi jalar merah. Angka Kecukupan Gizi (AKG) riboflavin bagi setiap orang berbeda menurut golongan umur, jenis kelamin, ukuran tubuh, aktivitas tubuh, dan kondisi fisiologis khusus untuk mencapai derajat kesehatan yang optimal. Riboflavin berfungsi sebagai koenzim dari flavin mononukleotida (FMN) dan flavin adenine dinukleotida (FAD) yang membantu enzim untuk melepaskan energi dari karbohidrat, lemak dan protein. Riboflavin diabsorbsi di usus halus dengan reaksi fosforilasi yang dibantu oleh ATP sebagai energi sehingga menjadi fllavin mononukleotida dan flavin adenine dinukeotida. Kedua zat ini dibawa melalui peredaran darah ke dalam hepar dan kemudian didistribusikan ke bagian-bagian tubuh yang membutuhkan riboflavin.
R iboflavin is one type of vitamin B complex which is soluble in water, yellow, has a stable reaction towards heat in acid and neutral pH, easily reducible, and resistant to oxidizer compound. But on the other hand, riboflavin is easily damaged by alkali and ultraviolet light. Riboflavin in animal can be found in chicken liver, milk, cheese, oyster, meat and egg, meanwhile from vegetables, riboflavin can abundantly found in green vegetables and fruits like broccoli, spinach, asparagus, beans, avocado, and banana. From cereals and tubers it can be found in rice bran, brown rice, wholemeal flour, corn and red sweet potato. The number of Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of riboflavin for each person differs depending on sex, body size, activity, and specific physiological condition to achieve the optimal health level. Riboflavin acts as a coenzyme of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) which helps the enzyme release the energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Riboflavin is absorbed in the ileum by phosphorylation assisted by ATP as energy to be flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide. Both of these substances are brought by the blood circulation to the liver, which later on will be distributed to the parts of the body in need of riboflavin. A disturbance of riboflavin’s metabolism can cause inflammation at the corner of the lips called cheilitis angularis and also inflammation of the tongue called glossitis. Riboflavin deficiency can be tackled by increasing the intake of foods that contain riboflavin. It can be given by peroral riboflavin or intramuscular (IM) when needed.