Pengaruh training, career development, employee competence terhadap employee performance melalui learning culture di PT. Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU VII Kasim Sorong Papua Barat
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Training, CareerDevelopment, Employee Competence Terhadap Employee Performance melaluiLearning Culture di PT. Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU VII Kasim SorongPapua Barat. Hasil pengujian menggambarkan semakin baik training yangdiberikan pada karyawan maka semakin meningkat kompetensi dari karyawan.keberhasilan penerapan proses career development juga meningkatkankompetensi ditempat kerja dan memperkuat efisiensi kerja. Hasil penelitianmenunjukan training, career development dan employee competence berpengaruhpositif dan signifikan terhadap Employee Performance, demikian juga Trainingberpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap employee competence. Namun tidakditemukan pengaruh tidak langsung employee competence terhadap employeeperformance malalui learning culture, learning culture tidak memiliki pengaruhyang signifikan terhadap employee performance.Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dan data primer yangdikolektifkan dengan teknik kuesioner. Populasi dan sampel penelitian sebanyak120 orang responden sesuai jumlah seluruh karyawan, menggunakan tekniksensus. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis SEM AMOS. Hasilpenelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan faedah dan pemahaman training denganmetode yang baik akan mendukung pengembangan career development yangbaik, selanjutnya mendorong peningkatan employee competence, sehingga prosestersebut pada akhirnya akan berkontribusi nyata terhadap pencapaian danpeningkatan employee performance.
T This research aims to analyze The Effect of Training, Career Development,Employee Competence on Employee Performance through Learning Culture atPT. Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU VII Kasim Sorong Papua Barat. The testresults describe that better the training given to employees higher the employeecompetence. The successful implementation of the career development processalso increases competence in the workplace and strengthens work efficiency. Theresults showed that training, career development and employee competence had apositive and significant effect on employee performance, as well as training had apositive and significant effect on employee competence. However, there was noindirect effect of employee competence on employee performance throughlearning culture. Learning culture did not have a significant effect on employeeperformance.This research method make use of quantitative research and primary data which iscollected using a questionnaire technique. The population and research sample are120 respondents according to the total number of employees, using a censustechnique. The data analysis used is AMOS SEM analysis. Of the 8 (eight)hypotheses development, there are 4 (four) hypotheses which are supported by asignificant and positive effect; and 4 (four) unsupported hypotheses.The results of the research are expected to provide benefits and understanding oftraining with good methods that will support the development of good careerdevelopment, furthermore encouraging the improvement of employeecompetence, so that the process will ultimately contribute significantly to theattainment and improvement of employee performance