Preventive maintenance with an early warning system approach to maintain agile resilience of mineral water production

Oleh : Adzhani Rezhadrian Krisnadian

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Tiena Gustina Amran

Kata Kunci : Resilience, Agile, Maintenance, Early Warning System, Downtime Machine, Mean Time to Failure, Preven

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Status : Lengkap

A Air mineral merupakan air minum yang paling banyak dikonsumsi di dunia,dibutuhkan kualitas yang baik karena berpengaruh bagi kesehatan. Perusahaan produksi air mineral dalam kemasan ini memiliki variasi kemasan 330ml, 600ml, dan galon. Terjadinya kerusakan pada mesin Tacung Cartridge Filter menyebabkan satu batch produksi air mineral harus dibuang karena tidak memenuhi standar pH dan ozon yang menyebabkan kekeruhan. Diperlukan perawatan preventif mesin agar produksi air mineral continous dan sesuai standar yang ditentukan. Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan perawatan preventif dengan pendekatan Early Warning System untuk menjaga ketangguhan pada proses produksi air mineral.Langkah penelitian pertama, dilakukan perhitungan Mean Time to Failure, setelah itu dilakukan perhitungan reliabilitas mesin. Langkah kedua, Pengaplikasian Early Warning System memberikan informasi tepat waktu tentang potensi risiko dan langkah pencegahan yang perlu diambil. Langkah ketiga, dilakukan perhitungan Agile Resilience Index dengan pengisian checklist. Hasil perhitungan Mean Time to Failure didapatkan komponen Filter Air memiliki waktu optimal penggunaan selama 118 hari, komponen Seals and O-Ring memiliki selama 120 hari dan komponen Support Core selama 123 hari. Hasil perhitungan reliabilitas setelah perhitungan Mean Time to Failure didapatkan reliabilitas sebesar 88%. Data selang waktu yang diperoleh dan dihitung menggunakan MTTF menghasilkan waktu optimal yang digunakan sebagai alat ukur dalam penerapan pemeliharaan preventifdengan Early Warning System. Didapatkan nilai Agile Resilience index sebesar 4.55. Nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan sudah menerapkan praktik resilience dan agile setelah dilakukan pemeliharaan preventif. Penelitian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan adaptasi, pemulihan perusahaan dari gangguan, serta membantu menentukan perawatan dan suku cadang yang diperlukan dan pengambilan keputusan terkait biaya.Kata Kunci : Resilience, Agile, Maintenance, Early Warning System, Downtime Machine, Mean Time to Failure, Preventive Maintenance

M Mineral water is the most consumed drinking water in the world, it requires good quality because it affects health. PT Indra Karya produces bottled mineral water that has a variety of 330ml, 600ml, and gallon packaging. The occurrence of damage to the Tacung Cartridge Filter machine caused one batch of mineral water production to be discarded because it did not meet the pH and ozone standards which caused turbidity. Preventive maintenance of the machine is needed so that the production of mineral water is continuous and according to the specified standards. The purpose of the research is to conduct preventive maintenance with an Early Warning System approach to maintain resilience in the mineral water production process. The first research step is the calculation of Mean Time to Failure, after which the calculation of machine reliability is carried out. The second step, the application of the Early Warning System provides timely information about potential risks and preventive steps that need to be taken. The third step is to calculate the Agile Resilience Index by filling out the checklist. The results of the Mean Time to Failure calculation obtained that the Air Filter component has an optimal time of use for 118 days, the Seals and O-Ring component has 120 days and the Support Core component for 123 days. The results of the reliability calculation after the Mean Time to Failure calculation obtained a reliability of 88%. The time interval data obtained and calculated using MTTF results in the optimal time used as a measuring tool in the application of preventive maintenance with the Early Warning System. An Agile Resilience index value of 4.55 was obtained. This value shows that the company has implemented resilience and agile practices after preventive maintenance. The research is expected to improve adaptation, recovery of the company from disruptions, and help determine the maintenance and spare parts needed and decision making related to costs.

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