Biodegradasi senyawa polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon phenanthrene oleh bakteri indigenous laut pari
P encemaran minyak bumi di perairan laut, disebabkan oleh 3 sumber utama yaitu : proses alamiah, pembuangan yang disengaja oleh kapal tanker, dan kecelakaan kapal tanker, kondisi ini mengakibatkan banyak kerugian di berbagai aspek, terutama pada ekosistem lingkungan laut. Senyawa Polycyclyc Aromatik Hydrocarbon (PAH) phenanthrene merupakan salah satu komponen minyak bumi yang bersifat karsinogenik dan persisten di lingkungan alami. Maka perlu dilakukan proses clean up terhadap tumpahan minyak bumi dengan teknik bioremediasi yaitu; biostimulasi dan bioaugmentasi. Peran bakteri indenous akan sangat penting dalam proses biostimulasi. Maka, perlu dilakukan isolasi untuk mempelajari karakteristik fisiologi mikroba indigenous. Phenanthrene; uji konfirmasi dan uiji pertumbuhan; identifikasi bakteri, uiji biodegradasi Phenanthrene dengan variasi senyawa KNO3 dan NH4NO3 sebagai sumber N. Dua biakan potensial pendegradasi phenanthrene teridentifikasi sebagai bakteri Reugeria sp. DG898dan Alpha Proteobacterium GMDJE10F1. Bakteri Alpha Proteobacterium GMDJE10F1 bersifat kosmopolit, dapat tumbuh optimum di temperatur 25 drajat C dan salinitas 2% dengan kenaikan jumlah biomassa dari 1,OE (+7)/ml-1,24E(+9)/ML dan u = 0,118/jam. Ruegeria sp. DG898 tergolong bakteri laut, juga dapat tumbuh optimum di kondisi yang sama, dengan kenaikan jumlah biomassa dari 5,0E(+6)/mL - 1,43E(+9)/mL dan u = 0,2099/jam. Dalam waktu 19 hari, degradasi phenentrene oleh masing-masing bakteri tersebut dengan variasi pada sumber nitrogen (KNO3 atau NH4NO3), berkisar antara 65,23% - 70,70%. persentase degradasi phenanthrene tertinggi (70,70%) diraih oleh Ruegeria sp. DG898 pada variasi sumber N senyawa KNO3 dengan nilai laju degradasi (v) - 1,15 mg/jam (k = 0,069/hari), sedangkan persentase degradasi phenanthere terendah (65,23%) diraih oleh Alpha Proteobacterium GMDJE10F1 pada variasi sumber N senyawa NH4NO3 dengan v = 0,99 mg/jam (k= 0059/hari). meski bedanya tidak terlalu signifikan, tetapi efisiensi degradasi phenanthrene Ruegeria sp. DG898 masih lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Alpha Proteobacterium GMDJE10F1. kedua bakteri tersebut mampu menggunakan ke dua senyawa KNO2 dAN nh4no3 DALAM PROSES BIODEGRADASI PHENANTHRENE DAN MASING-MASING MEMILIKI EFISIENSI NITROGEN. jADI FORMULA FERTILIZER YANG MENGANDUNG kno3 AKAN DAPAT LEBIH MENGOPTIMALKAN PROSES BIODEGRADASI pah PHENANTHRENE OLEH BAKTERI LAUT PARI.
T here are three main sources of crude oil contamination in marine environment, which are natural processes; intentional discharge; and tanker casualties. These conditions create major loss in many aspects, especially on the ecosystem of marine environment. Po/ycyclyc Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) phenanthrene is one of crude oil's component which is potentially carcinogenic and persistent in nature environment. Therefore, engineers should clean oil spills up for example with widely known bioremediation technique, such as: biostimulation and bioaugmentation. Indigenous bacteria have important role in a biostimulation process. Therefore, we need to characterize the potential indigenous isolates and study their physiologies attributes. Main steps of this research are isolation of indigenous Pari sea's ~acteria capable on degrading phenanthrene; ability reconfirm test and growth test; the identification and characterization of bacteria; Phenanthrene's biodegradation test with variation of KN03 or NH4N03 as nitrogen sources. Two isolates capable on degrading phenanthrene were identified as Ruegeria sp. strain 00898 and Alpha Proteobacterium strain GMDJE10F1. Alpha Proteobacterium GMDJE10F1 is a cosmopolit bacteria, which can optimally grows on temperature 25°C and 2% salinity with a biomass increase from 1,0P-7 /ml to 1,24E+9/ml and µ = 0,118/hour. Ruegetia sp. 00898 is a seawater bacteria, which can optimally grows on temperature 25°C and 2% salinity, with a biomass increase from 5,0E+6/ml to 1,43cr9/ml and µ = 0,2099/hour. After 19 days, biodegradation of phenenthrene with the variation on nitrogen sources (KN03 or NH4NC>.3) by each bacteria are in a range between 65,23%--70,70%. The highest efficiency of PAH phenanthrene's biodegradation (70,70%) were done by Ruegeria sp. 00898 with KN03 as nitrogen source, the degradation rate (v) is 1,15 mg/hour (k = 0,069/day), whereas the lowestefficiency of PAH phenanthrene's biodegradation (65,23%) were done by AlphaProteobacterium GMDJE10Fl with NH4N03 as nitrogen source, v = 0,99 mg/jam (k =0,059/hari). Although not significantly different, the efficiency of PAH Phenanthrene's biodegradation by the Ruegeria sp. 00898 is better than Alpha Proteobacterium GMDJElOFl. However, each of them can use both KN~ and NH4N03 in bioclegradation of phenanthrene. Also, both of them have a better result of biodegradation rate when using KN~ than NH4N03, as nitrogen sources. Hence, the formulation of fertilizer which contain KN~ compound will give an optimal process of PAH phenanthrene biodegradation by Pari Sea's indigenous bacteria.