Pengaruh karakter influencer terhadapstickiness dan well-being konsumen di mediasosial
P enelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Karakter Influencer DanStickiness Terhadap Hedonic Well Being Dan Eudaimonic Well Being Di MediaSosial. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitan ini adalah Konsumen yang pernahmelihat konten Influencer di sosial media. Jumlah data yang diambil pada penelitianini terdapat 280 sampel yang pernah melihat konten Influencer disosial media dalam6 bulan terakhir. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah PhysicalAttractiveness, Trustworthiness, Expertise Dan Stickiness. Variabel dependennyaadalah Hedonic well-being dan Eudaimonic well-being. Dari hasil penelitian ini bahwaterdapat pengaruh positif Positif Physical Attractiveness Terhadap Stickiness, terdapatpengaruh positif Positif Trustworthiness Terhadap Stickiness, terdapat pengaruhpositif Positif Expertise Terhadap Stickiness, terdapat pengaruh Positif StickinessTerhadap Hedonic well-being dan terdapat pengaruh Positif Stickiness TerhadapEudaimonic well-being.
T his research aims to determine the influence of Influencer character and Stickiness onhedonic well-being and eudaimonic well-being on social media. The data used in thisresearch is consumers who have seen Influencer content on social media. The amountof data taken in this research was 280 samples who had seen Influencer content on socialmedia in the last 6 months. The independent variables in this research are PhysicalAttractiveness, Trustworthiness, Expertise and Stickiness. The dependent variables areHedonic well-being and Eudaimonic well-being. From the results of this research, thereis a positive influence of Physical Attractiveness on Stickiness, there is a positiveinfluence of Positive Trustworthiness on Stickiness, there is a positive influence ofPositive Expertise on Stickiness, there is a positive influence of Stickiness on Hedonicwell-being and there is a Positive influence of Stickiness on Eudaimonic well-being.