Perencangan CRM scorecard pada SPPBE PT. Suryandra Nusa Bhakti
S Sebagai salah satu perusahaan jasa bidang LPG filling station & requalification plan, PT Suryandra Nusa Bhakti berusaha agar layanan yang diberikan kepada distributor sebagai pelanggan mampu ditingkatkan, agar kepuasan pelanggan meningkat dan loyalitas dapat dipertahankan. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, perusahaan ini telah melakukan praktek pengelolaan hubungan dengan pelanggan atau Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Namun, pada saat ini pihak manajemen belum mengukur kinerja secara menyeluruh terhadap praktek CRM yang telah dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, PT Suryandra Nusa Bhakti memerlukan suatu alat ukur kinerja yang dapat mengukur kinerja CRM perusahaan. Metode pengukuran kinerja CRM yang sesuai untuk PT Suryandra Nusa Bhakti, adalah metode CRM Scorecard yang mempunyai perspektif berfokus kepada pelanggan. Penelitian ini, dimulai dengan pembuatan kuesioner yang mengukur tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat kepuasan dan untuk mengetahui atribut yang tingkat kepentingannya diatas rata-rata tetapi tingkat kepuasannya dibawah rata-rata, kemudian dibuat Importance Performance Matrix yang dapat memberikan inisiatif yang perlu ditingkatkan pada perspektif Customer Satisfaction. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah perancangan model CRM Scorecard pada perusahaan tersebut dimulai dengan penerjemahan visi, misi perusahaan ke dalam 4 perspektif CRM Scorecard, yaitu Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Interaction, dan Customer Knowledge. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan membangun strategi map, menetapkan tolok ukur, target, dan inisiatif strategi. Setelah itu, dilakukan pembobotan bagi setiap tujuan strategis pada setiap perspektif dengan menggunakan Expert Choice dengan memanfaatkan matriks perbandingan berpasangan (Pairwise Comparison). Pengukuran dilakukan dengan penilaian kondisi aktual terhadap target yang ditetapkan. Nilai kinerja CRM PT Suryandra Nusa Bhakti adalah 3,14 atau dinilai "cukup balk". Sehingga kinerja perusahaan tersebut perlu ditingkatkan khususnya pada tujuan strategis peningkatan jumlah penjualan dan peningkatan jumlah pelanggan, peningkatan kualitas pelayanan dan peningkatan pemahaman terhadap pelanggan. Inisiatif yang perlu ditingkatkan dari IPM adalah meningkatkan atribut yaitu kebersihan lingkungan SNB, kondisi SPPBE, kecepatan operator dalam pengisian gas elpiji, kompetensi karyawan SNB dan kualitas pengisian yang tepat takaran.
A As one of the service Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) filling station & requalification plan company, PT Suryanda Nusa Bhakti trying to improve on its services that they provide for their customers (distributors), to increase customer satisfaction and to maintain loyalty. To make this happen, this compan have already implemented different management practices with their customers or Costumer Relationship Management (CRM). However, in order to achieve their goal, they have to measure overall performance directed towards the practice that has already been done. As a result, PT Suryandra Nusa Bhakti needs some performance measuring equipment to measure the Customer Relationship Management's (CRM) performance. One suitable CRM's performance measurement method to initiate this is called "scorecard" which focuses on customers needs. This research which was started by creating questionnaires that measure levels of interest and satisfaction of the customer, and to know their attributes of both high and low level satisfaction levels. Also, a system called 'Important Performance Matrix' was created which provides the initiative to upgrade Customer Satisfaction. The next step is to design the CRM scorecard model. This model leads to 4 important scorecard perspectives, which include; Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Interaction, and Customer Knowledge. And then continue by building a map strategy, establish benchmark, targets, and strategy initiative. After all of this is completed, all strategic objectives are measured using Expert Choice which utilizes Pairwise Comparison Matrixs. The measurements were made with the assessment of the actual condition of the target set. The PT Suryandra Nusa Bhakti's CRM value performance is 3 and 14, or in other words, "good enough". However, in order to stay ahead of the competition and have something "new" and "different" to offer, company performances must be increased, especially strategic objectives. It's very crucial that they increase sales and perhaps attract new customers while doing so. Increasing service quality and ensuring customer's understanding and commitment is also vital. Important Performance Matrix has the capability to increase attributes, such as; SNB environment cleanliness, SPPBE conditions, the operator's velocity in filling Liquefied Petroleum Gas, SNB's staff competition and the appropriate dose of filling quality.