Analisis kinerja Bundara Tugu Bambu Runcing Kota Bekasi
B undaran Tugu Bambu Runcing Kota Bekasi merupakan simpang dengan bundaran yangmemiliki 4 (empat) lengan berlokasi di kawasan komersil (pertokoan dan stasiun). Seiringbertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan meningkatnya pertumbuhan transportasimengakibatkan kepadatan lalu lintas pada jam puncak sehingga, menyebabkan kinerjabundaran menurun. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis karateristikbundaran, kinerja bundaran dan menganalisis penerapan manajemen lalu lintas yang sesuaiuntuk meningkatkan kinerja bundaran tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitianini adalah metode pengumpulan data mengacu pada pedoman MKJI 1997. Berdasarkanhasil survei di lapangan, karakteristik bundaran tidak sesuai dengan desain geometri yangditentukan. Analisis kinerja bundaran kondisi eksisting hari Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021diperoleh nilai derajat kejenuhan (DS) bundaran 1,183 dengan tundaan bundaran rata-ratasebesar 40,45 det/smp dan peluang antrean 76% - 133%. Sedangkan, di hari Senin, 13Desember 2021 diperoleh nilai derajat kejenuhan (DS) bundaran 1,046 dengan tundaanbundaran rata-rata sebesar 34,83 det/smp dan peluang antrean 47% - 91%. Sehingga,dikategorikan pada tingkat pelayanan bundaran F. Pengendalian lalu lintas pada simpangbundaran Tugu Bambu Runcing dilakukan dengan penerapan sistem ganjil-genap diperolehnilai DS ≤ 0,85 dengan kategori tingkat pelayanan C.
T he Tugu Bambu Runcing Roundabout in Bekasi City is an intersection with a roundabout which has 4 (four) arms located in a commercial area (shops and stations). As the population increases and the growth in transportation increases, it results in traffic congestion at peak hours, causing the roundabout performance to decrease. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the characteristics of the roundabout, the performance of the roundabout and analyze the application of appropriate traffic management to improve the performance of the roundabout. The method used in this study is a data collection method referring to the 1997 MKJI guidelines. Based on the results of a field survey, the characteristics of the roundabout do not match the specified geometric design. Analysis of the performance of the existing roundabout on Saturday, December 11, 2021, obtained the value of the degree of saturation (DS) for the roundabout 1.183 with an average roundabout delay of 40.45 sec/pcu and a queue probability of 76% - 133%. Meanwhile, on Monday, December 13, 2021 the roundabout degree of saturation (DS) was 1.046 with an average roundabout delay of 34.83 sec/pcu and a queue probability of 47% - 91%. Thus, it is categorized at the service level at the F roundabout. Traffic control at the Tugu Bambu Runcing roundabout is carried out by applying the odd-even system, the DS value is 0.85 with the service level category C.