Hubungan antara kualitas tidur dan fungsi memori jangka pendek pada usia 18-24 tahun
M emori jangka pendek yaitu: kemampuan seseorang dapat menahan informasi dalam interval waktu yang singkat. Faktor - faktor yang mempengaruhi fungsi memori jangka pendek yaitu stres, depresi, obat – obatan golongan benzodiazepine, nutrisi, riwayat trauma kepala, kualitas tidur. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Riau dijelaskan bahwa prevalensi kualitas tidur yang buruk pada mahasiswa kedokteran sebesar 68,6% . Berdasarkan data dari National Sleep Foundation (NSF) dijelaskan bahwa gangguan tidur dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap fungsi memori jangka pendek. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan crosssectional atau potong lintang, untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kualitas tidur dan fungsi memori jangka pendek pada usia 18-24 tahun. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Jakarta, kampusUniversitas Trisakti. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Kebumian dan Energi. Pengambilan subjek penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik nonconsecutive random sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji korelasi Spearman. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa responden dengan kualitas tidur baik 11,3% dankualitas tidur buruk 88,7%. Responden yang memiliki fungsi memori jangka pendek baik 26,8% dan fungsi memori jangka pendek yang buruk adalah 73,2%. Uji spearman antara hubungan kualitas tidur dan fungsi memori jangka pendek pada usia 18 – 24 tahun r=-,239 yang menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan korelasi terbalik lemah antara kedua variabletersebutKESIMPULANTerdapat korelasi berbanding terbalik berkekuatan lemah antara kualitas tidur dan fungsi memori jangka pendek pada usia 18 – 24 tahun.
S hort-term memory refers to the ability of a person to contain information within a short interval period of time. The function of short term memory is affected by certain key factors,which are stress, depression, benzodiazepine medication, nutrition, head trauma history and last but not least, the quality of sleep. A research that was conducted in Riau elaborates that the prevalence of low-quality sleep amongst medical students sit at a relatively highpercentage, which is 68.6%. According to the data from National Sleep Foundation (NSF), itis explained that sleep disruption plays the role in affecting the function of short-termmemory. This research is an analytic observational research that adopts cross-sectional approach in order to discover the relationship between quality of sleep and the function of short term memory within a specific age range (18-24 years old). This research is conducted in Trisakti University, Jakarta. The population in this research is constrained by choosing students from of ‘Teknik Kebumian dan Energi’ Faculty. In choosing the subject of this research, nonconsecutive random sampling technique is used. Meanwhile, the data analysis is done by using Spearman’s correlation test. Based on this research it is gained that the percentage of respondents who have good-quality sleep and low-quality sleep is 11.3% and 88.7% respectively. Furthermore, this research finds out that only26.8% of students have a good short-term memory function, leaving the rest (73.2%) ofstudents not having as good short-term memory function in contrast. The R score gained fromthe Spearman’s Test between the quality of sleep and the function of short-term memorywithin age range of 18 to 24 years’ old is -,239. This indicates that there is a weak invertedcorrelation between those two variables. There is a weak inverted correlation between quality of sleep and the function of short-termmemory within the age of 18 to 24 years old.