Efek komposisi, ketebalan porselen, durasi penyinaran dan intensitas sinar terhadap kekerasan semen resin light cured
R Restorasi vinir porselen merupakan pilihan utama restorasi indirek yangdigunakan dalam bidang kedokteran gigi terutama pada gigi anterior. Restorasi inimempunyai sifat estetik tinggi dan memiliki tingkat kegagalan lebih kecildibandingkan resin komposit. Polimerisasi semen resin dibawah restorasimempengaruhi kestabilan, sifat mekanis dan ketahanan restorasi. Semen resinadesif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis semen yang diaktivasidengan alat light-cured LED. Waktu penyinaran dan intensitas alat LEDmempengaruhi angka kekerasan Vickers (VHN) semen resin. Komposisi danketebalan bahan porselen mempengaruhi sinar yang masuk ke semen resin.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh intensitas sinar, lamapenyinaran dan ketebalan porselen pada IPS e.max Press dan Vintage LD Pressterhadap kekerasan semen resin. Bahan dan metode penelitian terdiri dari 72sampel porselen terdiri dari 36 buah dari masing-masing merk, berdiameter 5 mmdibuat menjadi 3 ketebalan masing-masing 0,7 mm, 1 mm dan 1,5 mm. Semenresin light-cured dalam metal mold (diameter 5 mm, ketebalan 1 mm) diletakkandibawah porselen kemudian sampel disinar dengan alat LED intensitas 1300 atau1700 selama 10 atau 20 detik. Uji kekerasan dilakukan pada bagian bawah semenresin. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai kekerasan tertinggi didapatkan dariVintage LD Press dengan ketebalan 0,7 mm yang disinar dengan alat LEDintensitas 1300 mw/cm2selama 20 detik. Uji ANOVA 4-arah menunjukkanperbedaan signifikan dari merk, ketebalan dan lama waktu penyinaran (p < 0,05)sedangkan intensitas alat LED tidak menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan.Kesimpulan, merk porselen mempengaruhi kekerasan, bertambahnya ketebalanporselen menurunkan angka kekerasan, lama waktu penyinaran mempengaruhikekerasan namun intensitas alat LED tidak mempunyai perbedaan signifikanterhadap angka kekerasan semen resin.
P Porcelain veneer restoration is the primary choice for indirect restoration used indentistry, especially in anterior teeth. This restoration has high aestheticproperties and has a smaller failure rate than resin composites. Thepolymerization of resin cement under restoration affects the stability, mechanicalproperties and resistance of the restoration. The adhesive resin cement used inthis tudy is activated by an LED light-cured device. The irradiation time and lightintensity of the LED device affect the Vickers Hardness Number (VHN) of resincement. The composition and thickness of the porcelain material affect light incured resin cement. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lightintensity, exposure time and porcelain thickness on IPS e.max Press and VintageLD Press on the hardness of resin cement. Materials and methods consisted of 72porcelain samples consisting 36 from each brands, 5 mm in diameter and 3 typeof thicknesses were 0.7 mm, 1 mm and 1.5 mm respectively. Resin cement in ametal mold (diameter 5 mm, thickness 1 mm) is placed under porcelain and thenthe sample was cured with an LED intensity of 1300 or 1700 mw/ cm2 for 10 or20 seconds. Hardness test was carried out at the bottom of resin cement. Theresults showed that the highest hardness value obtained from Vintage LD Presswith a thickness of 0.7 mm which was cured with an LED device intensity of 1300mw/ cm2 for 20 seconds. Four ways ANOVA test showed significant differences inbrands, thickness and time of exposure (p <0.05) while the intensity of the LEDdevice did not show significant differences. In conclusion porcelain brandsinfluence hardness numbers, increasing thickness of porcelain decreases hardnessnumbers, irradiation time affects hardness but the intensity of LED devices doesnot have a significant difference to hardness numbers.