Pengaruh creativity self efficacy, humble leadership,dan employee engagemen terhadap innovative work behaviour pada karyawan Bank Mandiridi Jakarta Barat
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh creativity self efficacy, humble leadership, dan employee engagement terhadap innovativeWork behaviour padaKaryawan Bank Mandiri di Jakarta Barat. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan membagikan kuesioner. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengujian hypothesis testing.Pengujian hipotesis menggunakansoftware SPSS versi26.Data dalam penelitian dikumpulkan dari 140 karyawan Bank Mandiri di Jakarta Barat dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling.Hasil uji hipotesis pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Creativity Self Efficacyberpengaruh positif terhadap InnovativeWork BehaviourHumble Leadershipberpengaruh positif terhadap InnovativeWork Behaviour, danEmployee Engagementberpengaruh positif terhadap InnovativeWork Behaviour.Darihasilpenelitianini diharapkan pimpinan dapat memberikan masukan bagi karyawan agar lebih memperhatikan penampilan yang baik dalam situasi apapun dan perlu kreatif dalam melakukan promosi agar dapat menarik perhatian nasabah, serta karyawan lebih efektif dan efisien dalam menyelesaikan tanggung jawabnya di perusahaan. Pimpinan juga harus lebih memikirkan cara keberhasilan agar citra perusahaan lebih baik.
T This study aims to analyze the effect of creativity self efficacy, humble leadership, and employee engagement on Innovative work behavior of Bank Mandiri employees in West Jakarta. The research conducted was quantitative research by distributing questionnaires. This study uses the hypothesis testing method. Hypothesis testing used SPSS software version 26. The data in this study were collected from 140 employees of Bank Mandiri in West Jakarta using a purposive sampling method.The results of hypothesis testing in this study indicate that Creativity Self Efficacy has a positive effect on Innovative Work Behavior Humble Leadership has a positive effect on Innovative Work Behavior, and Employee Engagement has a positive effect on Innovative Work Behavior.From the results of this study it is expected that the leadership can provide input for employees to pay more attention to good appearance in any situation and need to be creative in carrying out promotions so that they can attract the attention of customers, and employees are more effective and efficient in completing their responsibilities in the company. Leaders also have to think more about how to succeed so that the company's image is better.