Evaluasi efektivitas iklan dan usulan strategi iklan pada televisi lemari es LG tipe FlexiCool di PT. LG Electronics Indonesia
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2004
Pembimbing 1 : Triwulandari
Pembimbing 2 : Rina Fitriana
Subyek : Television advertising;Refrigeration
Kata Kunci : advertisement on television, refrigerator, LG type FlexiCool, PT. LG Electronics Indonesia
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2004_TA_TI_06300166_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 24 | |
2. | 2004_TA_TI_06300166_Bab-1.pdf | 5 | |
3. | 2004_TA_TI_06300166_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2004_TA_TI_06300166_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2004_TA_TI_06300166_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2004_TA_TI_06300166_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2004_TA_TI_06300166_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2004_TA_TI_06300166_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2004_TA_TI_06300166_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
10. | 2004_TA_TI_06300166_Lampiran.pdf |
Salah salu bcnluk promosi yang dijalankan oldi PT.LG Elcclronics Indonesia adalah mclalui iklan dimcdia tclcvisi, akan tctapi biaya yang harus dikcluarkan untuk pcriklanan mclal u i media tclcvisi sangat tinggi oleh sebab itu penayangan iklan tersebut harus efektif. Kesadaran akan pcntingnya kl.:cfcktifan iklan tclcvisi produk LG khususnya iklan tch.::visi k:mari cs I ,G tipc FlcxiCool inilah yang membuat penulis merasa perlu untuk mdakukan evaluasi tcrhadap efcktiv itas penayangan iklan lemari es LG tipe FlexiCool di.media tdevisi serta memberikan usulan stratcgi pcriklanan dimcdia tclcvisi bagi pcrusahaan.Pcnclitian tcntang cvaluasi cfcktivitas pcnayangan iklan lcmari cs LG tipc FlcxiCool di.mediatclevisi dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrnmen kuesioner dengan menggunakan metodeJudgement Sampling. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan mean, tabel frekuensi, tabel silang, mctodc Direct Rating, pengujian non param etrik (lJji Cl)t:hran dan lJji Peringkat Bertanda Wilcoxon) scrta analisa kuadran.I3erdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa (1) untu k advertising awareness maka iklan lemari es LG tipe FlexiCool menduduki posisi kedua dalam Top of Mind Advertising, Advertising recall dan Advertising recognation. (2) Total nilai untuk keempat variabel iklan lemari es LG tipe FlexiCool (kesadaran, kesukaan, preterensi dan perilaku pembelian)adalah sebesar 1032 dan berada pada rentang skala 721 -1041 maka iklan tersebut tergolong
O One of' the prrnnotion tuols that has been implcmcntcJ by l'T. I .( i J •:kctronics lndun esia is by implementing the comm(;rcial on TV media, howevi.::r, the cost that has to he made or. the commercial advertising through the TV media is quite expensive, therefore the commercial broadcasting has to he implemented effectively. The awareness of the importa nce of the I,(I TV product commercial effectiveness particularly the TV conu11crcial on LG refrigerator Flcx iCool type has made the writer need to make an evaluation towards the LG refrigerator F lexiCool type on the TV media commercial advertising cffectivt:ness as wdl as advt:rtising proposal strategic:; for television adve11iscment of LG refrigerator FlexiCool type.The research about the LG refrigerator FlexiCool type commercial advertising on TV med iawas implement ed by doing the questioner instrument which was by implementing the Judgement Sampling. The data processing was implementing by using mean, frequency table, and cross table, Direct Rating method, non-parametric test (Cochran and th(; Wilcoxon test) and quadrant analysis.Bas(;d on the research that has been implemented, thus, the conclusion that can be drawn are: (l)for the advertising awareness, thus, the LG refrigerator FlexiCool type was placed on the second position on the Top of Mind Advertising, Advertising Recall and Advertising Recognition. (2) The total value for the four variables on the LG refirgerator FlexiCool type (awareness, favorite, preference, and purchasing behavior) are 1032 and placed on scale difference between 721- 104 1, thus, the commercial categorized as ineffective. (3) The attributes which has a difference between the importance and the performance is the memorable attribute , commerc ial frequency, music background, commercial star, brand motto and commercial duration and attributes that has no difference between the performance and importance are the picture attribute, informative, unique, understandable, location background, comn1crcial theme, and sound. (4) First Quadrant consists of: picture attribute, informative, unique, memorable, and understandable, second quadrant consists of: commercial frequency attribute and commercial broadcasting time, third quadrant consists of commercial star attribute, music background, location background and comm(;rcial duration and fourth quadrant consists of sound attribute, commercial theme and commercial motto. (5a) Most of the respondents are female, age between 31-40 years old, S 1 graduated, working as an employee in some private company and has an average expenditure per month over Rp. 2,000,000,- (b) Factor which most influencing the respondents in chousing the refrigerator product which will be purchased is the quality factor/product resistance, the most influencing information source for the respondents is the mass media commercial, people who are most influencing the respondents are husband/wife and the most preferable refrigerator store is the electronic store. (c) the time group, which most frequently watched by the respondents is the night time (18.01-23.00), TV station which have the similar highest awareness are RCTI, Indosiar, SCTV, and TransTV, and the most preferable program on TV are the talent search program (AFI, Indonesian Idol, etc). (6a): The commercial stratq,ry suggestion through the TV media: the commercial adverfr.;ing frequency need to be increased, broadcasted on the night time, which is between 18.01-23.00, music jingle need to be played is the slow music/orchestra, classical music, which are well known by the viewers, the house building which was used as the commercial background, has to be differently designed by choosing, for the main commercial, has to choose the professional stars which are widely known as a commercial stars and for the commercial duration could be switched hctwc<.:n commercials on th<.: 30 seconds duration and the commercial that has bct:n cut, bccoml:s 15 seconds du ration . (b) The TV commercial broadcasting commercial method suggestion: night time broadcas ting, from 18.01- 23 .00, on the TV stations: RCTI, SCTV, Indosiar and TransTV, and the talent search program (AFI, or Indonesian Idol). (c) The LG refrigerator FkxiCool type commercial strategy suggcstion:electronic stores requires more brochures or flyers, display or posters, and the mass mt:dia commercial, particularly the TV media which is designed as informat ive and as interesting as it could.