Perancangan sistem informasi untuk evaluasi dan pemilihan supplier material plate dengan menggunakan metode analytical hierarchy process di PT. Sanggar Sarana Baja

Oleh : Hariadi Hendrawan

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2005

Pembimbing 1 : Tiena G. Amran

Subyek : System computer;Selection plate;Design system

Kata Kunci : system, performance, industrial

Status Posting : Published

Status : Tidak Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf
3. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf
4. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Bab-4_Pengumpulan-dan-Pengolahan-Data.pdf
7. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Bab-5_Perancangan.pdf
8. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Bab-6_Analisis.pdf
9. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Bab-7_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf
10. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
11. 2005_TA_STI_06301109_Lampiran.pdf

P PT. Sanggar Sarana Baja adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konstruksi baja. Perusahaan ini memproduksi berbagai perlengkapan industri minyak, gas, dan petrokimia, khususnya dalam memproduksi alat-alat berat, bejana tekan (Pressure Vessel), cooler, dan perakitan pipa-pipa baja dan nonbaja. Pada penelitian tugas akhir ini dilakukan studi kasus terhadap material plate sebagai bahan baku utama.Dalam melak-ukan pemilihan supplier potensial, saat ini PT. Sanggar Sarana Bajatidak mengevaluasi data-data performansi supplier yang lalu. Sehingga menyebabkan keputusan yang diambil tidak maksimal.Untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut digunakan suatu metode pengevaluasian supplier yang didasarkan pada kriteria kualitas, kuantitas, delivery, harga, term of payment, dan flexibility dan perancangan sistem informasi untuk pengevalusian dan pemilihansupplier.Langkah pertama yang dilakukan untuk pengevaluasian supplier adalah denganmencari bobot dari tiap-tiap kriteria pemilihan supplier dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Bobot ini didapat berdasarkan hasil kuesioner yang disebar kepada tim expert perusahaan. Dari hasil pengolahan dengan metode tersebut, didapat bobot untuk masing-masing kriteria di atas berturut-turut adalah 0.325; 0.228; 0.175; 0.146; 0.084; 0.042.Dilakukan pengolahan data terhadap keenam kriteria tadi, untuk mengetahui performansi rata-rata masing-masing supplier. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengalikanperformansi rata-rata dari tiap kriteria berdasarkan pembelian selama Bulan Juli­ September 2005 dengan bobot yang didapat dari perhitungan ARP. Hasil pembobotan secara keseluruhan akau menentukan peringkat dari supplier potenisal, yaitu untuk supplier 2 menempati posisi teratas dengan bobot nilai sebesar 4.88, diikuti dengan supplier 5, supplier 1, supplier 3, dan supplier 4 dengan bobot total sebesar 4.755; 4.693; 4.686;

P PT. Sanggar Sarana baja is a company that has activities in steel construction field . This company produces several industrial equipment such as for oil, gas and petrochemical, especially on producing heavy equipment, pressure vessel, cooler and steel pipe and non steel pipe assembling. In this final assignment research, it has been studied about case on the material plate as a main raw material. On choosing potential supp.ier, Nowadays, PT. Sanggar Sarana baja is not evaluate supplier performance data in the past. Therefore, it causes the decision that has been take was not maximal. To so1\'.re the problem, it can be used a supplier evaluation method based on criteria of quality, quantity, delivery , term of payment and flexibility and information system design to evaluate and supplier selection. The first step to evaluate the supplier is to find the value of each criterion on supplier selection by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This value is based on questioner that has been spread to the company expert . From the processing of that method, it can be known the value foe each criteria above those are 0.325; 0.228; 0.175; 0.146; 0.084; 0.042.The data is proceeding with those 6 criterions, to ensure the performance of each supplier. It can be done by multiplying average value of each criteria based on purchasing on July - September 2005 with the value that has been got from AHP calculation . The whole value result will determine the rank of potential supplier for example for supplier 2 on the top rank with value 4.88, followed by supplier 5, supplier 1, supplier 3, and supplier 4 with total value total 4.755; 4.693; 4.686; and 4.603.To make those thing easier and can get maximum result on supplier evaluation, ithas been designed an information system that is connecting between production department , purchasing and inventory . After several test on information system that has been designed, it can be got the same result as manual calculation . After knowing the supplier evaluation result on 5 October 2005 is found a request from production division to purchase material plate SFT X 20 FT X l 6:MM., Plate 5FT X 20 FT X l 2rv1M, and Plate 6FT X 20 FT X 12MM. The calculation was done based on supplier evaluation result from6 criterions above, except for criteria of value price that is based on price per unit nowadays. From the result, it can be known that the 2nd suppiier was chosen to get the order from the company for 3 materials above. By using calculation based on information system design that has been made it can be got the same result. It proves that this information system design can be used as its function.

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