Analisa dan usulan perbaikan faktor lingkungan kerja untuk meningkatkan produktivitas operator pada Area Painting Booth1 dan Booth 2 Bisnis Unit P3 (plastic, pressing & painting) di PT. Wika Intrade
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2008
Pembimbing 1 : Dorina Hetharia
Pembimbing 2 : Nataya Charoonsri R
Subyek : Human engineering;Occupational health and safety
Kata Kunci : work environment, operator productivity, PT. Wika Intrade
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2008_TA_TI_06304115_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 23 | |
2. | 2008_TA_TI_06304115_Bab-1.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2008_TA_TI_06304115_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2008_TA_TI_06304115_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2008_TA_TI_06304115_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2008_TA_TI_06304115_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2008_TA_TI_06304115_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2008_TA_TI_06304115_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2008_TA_TI_06304115_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
10. | 2008_TA_TI_06304115_Lampiran.pdf |
P PT Wika Intrade adalah anak perusahaan PT Wijaya Karya yang mendapat kontrak kerja dari beberapa perusahaan otomotif di Indonesia dalam pembuatan spar e part sepeda motor, dan ditangani oleb Bisnis Unit P3 (Plastic, Pressing & Painting). Permasalaban yang dibadapi oleb perusahaan adalab rendahnya produktivitas operator painting dimana jumlah produk yang dapat selesai dicat oleb operator pain ting masib berada di bawah target yang ditetapkan perusahaan. Dalam penelitian Tugas Akhir ini jenis produk spare part sepeda motor yang akan diamati adalah produk cover engine sprocket. Berdasarkan data bistoris perusahaan, jumlah produk cover engine sprocket yang berbasil dicat oleb operator per siklus pengecatan adalah sekitar 3200 dari 3360 produk yang masuk ke siklus pengecatan, sedangkan target yang ditetapkan perusahaan adalah sebanyak 3310. Berdasarkan basil wawancara dengan Kepala Seksi PEP (Perencanaan dan Evaluasi Produksi), Staf PEP dan operator painting diketahui faktor faktor yang mempengarubi rendahnya produk'!ivitas operator painting yaitu fakrtor lingkungan kerja, metode kerja, kelelahan fisik dan kejenuban.Untuk mengetahui faktor mana yang paling mempengaruhi rendahnya produktivitas operator painting, dilakukan penelitian menggunakan dua metode yaitu Fuzzy Pairwise Comparison dan Kansei Engineering yang dilakukan secara paralel. Hasil dari kedua metode tersebut sama, yaitu mengidentifikasi faktor Jingkungan kerja sebagai faktor yang paling berpengarub terbadap rendahnya produktivitas operator painting. Kemudian dilakLikan pengumpulan data kondisi awal faktor lingkungan kerja di area painting booth 1 dan booth 2 dan diketahui bahwa faktor pencahayaan , sirkulasi udara dan bau-bauan serta suhu udara merupakan faktor yang bermasalah. Usulan perbaikan yang diberikan terbadap fak'tor-faktor tersebut adalah penambahan dua lampu neon 36 Watt, perbaikan mesin filter & penggunaan masker kbusus pengecatan bagi operator, serta penggunaan kipas angin. Selanjutnya dilakukan perancangan eksperimen2 dengan menerapkan seluruh usulan perbaikan dan dilakukan Uj i Anova, UjiPeringkat-Bertanda Wilcoxon dan Uji Wilayah-Berganda Duncan.Dari basil Uji Anova diperoleb kesimpulan bahwa faktor pencahayaan, sirkulasi udara dan bau-bauan serta subu udara dan seluruh interaksi faktor-fak1or tersebut merniliki pengarub terbadap jumlah output yang dibasilkan oleb operator painting . Selanjutnya dilakukan implementasi terbadap seluruh usulan perbaikan fakrtor lingkungan kerja dan diperoleb peningkatan nilai rata-rata persen kegiatan produktif operator painting menjadi sebesar 82.25 %, yaitu meningkat sebesar 19.34 % dari kondisi awal serta peningkatan nilai rata-rata jumlah output yang dibasilkan oleb operator painting menjadi sebanyak 3324 pieces, yang meningkat sebesar 3.65 % dari kondisi awal.
P PT Wika Intrade is a subsidiary of PT Wijaya Karya which got contract from several automotive companies in Indonesia for producing motor cycle's spare parts, and managed by P3 (Plastic, Pressing & Painting) Business Unit. The problem faced by the company is the low productivity of the painting operators in which the spare parts that can be painted are still below the target set by the company. In the survey conducted in completion of this final project, the focus is on the spare part of the motor cycle, namely, cover engine sprocket. Based on the history of the company, the number of cover engine sprocket that can be painted per painting cycle is about 3,200 pieces out of 3,360, while the target set by the company is 3,310 pieces per cycle. Based on interview conducted with the Section Head, Planning and Evaluation of Production, Staff of Planning and Evaluation of Production Section and the painting operators discovered that there are four factors causing the low productivity of the painting operators : work environment, work method, physical fatigue and get bored.In order to know factor which predominantly cause the low productivity of thepainting operators, the survey was conducted using two methods simultaneously :Fuzzy Pairwise Comparison and Kansei Engineering. The result of the two methods are the same, i.e the work environment is the most influential factor causing the low productivity of the painting operators. Furthermore, field visit was conducted in order to know the condition of the work environment at the painting booth 1 and booth 2, and it was found that the lighting, air circulation & bad flavor as well as temperature are in problem. The recommendations made to solve the problems are to add two other 36 Watt fluorescent lamps, to improve filter machine and to oblige all painting operators to use special masker as well as to use the fan. Then, the design of experiment was conducted by using the recommendations. It was then followed by Anova Test, Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test, Duncan Multiple-Range Test.With the result of Anova Test, it can be concluded that the lighting, air circulation & bad flavor, temperature and the interaction of all factors contribute toward achieving the total output produced by the painting operators. The implementation of all recommendations was made and it was found that average value of the percent of the painting operators' productive activity increased 19.34 % became 82.25 % and the average value of the total output produced by the painting operators increased 3.65 % became 3,324 pieces of the previous condition.