Analisa kualitas dan produktivitas proses logistik serta pelayanan outlet pada PT. Millennium Pharmacon Internasional Tbk
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2005
Pembimbing 1 : Dadang Surjasa
Subyek : Logistics - Quality control
Kata Kunci : quality analysis, logistics process productivity, service outlets, PT. Millennium Pharmacon Internat
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2005_TA_TI_06300256_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 23 | |
2. | 2005_TA_TI_06300256_Bab-1.pdf | 5 | |
3. | 2005_TA_TI_06300256_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2005_TA_TI_06300256_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2005_TA_TI_06300256_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2005_TA_TI_06300256_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2005_TA_TI_06300256_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2005_TA_TI_06300256_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2005_TA_TI_06300256_Lampiran.pdf |
A Aktifitas logistik yang baik ,pada suatu perusahaan pada setiap bagian ditandai dengan penanganan proses logistik yang baik mulai dari proses pemesanan barang ke · principa/s oleh head office (HO), penanganan penerimaan dan peny im panan barang di pooling, koordinasi pengantaran barang ke branch njjh:es, hingga pcngantaran baran g kc outlets bahkan sampai kepada customers. Proses logistik yang baik pada tubuh peru sahaan akan menghasilkan tingkat pelayanan yang baik yang dirasakan oleh outlets pelangg an PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk. Hal ini pada akhirnya akan mcm berikan ni lai tambah bagi PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk. yang membuat outlets merni lih untuk tetap memesan barang dari PT. Millennium Pharmacon I nternational Tbk . sehingga rnernberikan ketmtungan serta keberhasilan bagi perusaha an secara keseluru h an.Terkadang ditemui adanya koordinasi yang kurang baik antara head office (HO) PT. Millern1ium Pharmacon International Tbk. dengan kantor-kantor cabangnya . Tujuan dari penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah untuk menganalisa kual itas dan produk tivitas proses logistik yang ada pada PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk. sehingga dapat dilakukan perbaikan pada p:oses logistik yang masih belum maksimal.Pengukuran kualitas dan produktifitas proses logisik yang dilaku kan adalah meliputi proses transportasi, pergudangan dan pembelian. Penulis juga men gadakan riset pasar untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan outlet terhadap pelayanan PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk. Sampel penelitian adalah sebesar l 00 outlet yang disebarkan secara langsung di wilayah JakartaAnalisa yang dilakukan dapat mengidentifikasikan seberapa besar kualitas danproduktifitas proses logisitik PT. Millennium Pharmacon Internati onal Tbk. saat ini. Dari analisa ini, penulis dapat memberikan usulan perbaikan yang diharapkan dapat berguna bagi peningkatan mutu PT. Millennium Pharmaco n International Tbk . di rnasa yang akan datang.
A A good logistic activity in every department of a company is indicated by a good logistic management starting from the process of ordering the items to the principals that is done by the head office, the management of receiving and storing at pooling , the coordination of delivering the items to the branch offices, until the distribution of the items to the outlets or even to the customers. A good logistic process of the company will give a gooa result in service which will be experienced by the outlets of PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk. This eventually will give an added value for PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk which will maintain the outlets to order items from PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk, thus will give profits and success for the company in a whole.Every so often, a poor coordination among head office of PT. · Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk and its branch offices is discovered. The aim of this final assignment research is to analyze the quality · and productivity of logistic process that is performed by PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Thk so that a &ood restoration can be done toward the logistic process that still hasn't reached its highest level.The estimation of quality and productivity of the logistic process which was done covers the transportation process, stocks, and purchases. The writer also did a market research to acquire the satisfaction level of the outlet toward the service that is given by PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk. There are l 00 outlets for research's sample that had been distributed directly to the outlet of PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk in Jakarta.The analysis that was carried out can identify how well the quality and produc tivityof logistic process of PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk today. From this analysis, the writer is able to give a suggestion of restoration that hopefully can be effective for gaining the excellence of.PT. Millennium Pharmacon International Tbk in the future.