Pengaruh fun at work terhadap organizational citizenship behavior pada employees PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk Cabang Pasar Rebo
T Tujuan dari penelitian ini menganalisis Fun At Work pada karyawan PT. BankMandiri, Tbk cabang Pasar Rebo, Untuk menganalisis Organizational CitizenshipBehavior pada karyawan PT. Bank Mandiri, Tbk cabang Pasar Rebo, Untukmenganalisis Pengaruh Fun At Work Terhadap Organizational CitizenshipBehavior pada karyawan PT. Bank Mandiri, Tbk cabang Pasar Rebo. Datadikumpulkan dari 40 karyawan PT. Bank Mandiri, Tbk cabang Pasar Rebo yangberpartisipasi di dalam penelitian ini. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakanadalah sensus.Hasil menjelaskan bahwa responden memiliki pernyataan setuju terhadap funat work ditunjukkan dengan nilai statistik deskriptif sebesar 3,90 dan respondenmemiliki pernyataan setuju terhadap organizational citizenship behaviorditunjukkan dengan nilai statistik deskriptif sebesar 3,86. Hasil juga menjelaskanbahwa pengaruh positif fun at work terhadap organizational citizenship behaviorditunjukkan dengan nilai beta sebesar 0,547.
T The purpose of this paper was analyzed fun at work on employees PT. BankMandiri, Tbk which in Pasar Rebo branches, was analyzed organizationalcitizenship behavior on employees PT. Bank Mandiri, Tbk which in Pasar Rebobranches, and analyzed the effect of fun at work on organizational citizenshipbehavior of employees PT. Bank Mandiri, Tbk which in Pasar Rebo branches. TheData was collected from 40 on employee PT. Bank Mandiri, Tbk which in PasarRebo branches participated in this research. The sampling method used wascensus.The result examine that the respondent have agreement statement about funat work with descriptive statistics 3,90 and the respondent have agreementstatement about organizational citizenship behavior with descriptive statistics3,86. The result examine that the effect of positively and significantly fun at workon organizational citizenship behavior with standardized coefficient beta 0,547.