Evaluasi dan usulan perbaikan sistem produksi untuk mencapai target produksi dengan menggunakan metode theory of constraint dan simulasi pada divisi percetakan kain batik PT Indraloka Binakarya Ika
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2012
Pembimbing 1 : Parwadi Moengin
Subyek : Industrial management;System analysis;Computer simulation;Project management
Kata Kunci : theory of constraint, bottleneck simulasi
Status Posting : Published
Status : Tidak Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2012_TA_STI_06308040_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2012_TA_STI_06308040_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2012_TA_STI_06308040_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 5 | |
4. | 2012_TA_STI_06308040_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2012_TA_STI_06308040_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 2012_TA_STI_06308040_Bab-4_Pengumpulan-dan-Pengolahan-Data.pdf |
7. | 2012_TA_STI_06308040_Bab-5_Simulasi-dan-Analisis-Hasil.pdf |
8. | 2012_TA_STI_06308040_Bab-6_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf | ||
9. | 2012_TA_STI_06308040_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
10. | 2012_TA_STI_06308040_Lampiran.pdf |
P PT Indraloka Binakarya Ika adalah perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang produksi kain batik. Hasa produksi rata-rata per minggu pada bulan Oktober dan November 2011 adalah 34 pieces/minggu, sedangkan target produksi adalah 438 pieces/minggu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah telalculcan identifikasi terhadap proses produksi yang memiliki hambatan dengan menggunakan Theory r Constraints, melakukan analisa dan memberikan usulan terhadap faktor faktor yang telah identifikasikan, kemudian melakukan evaluasi hasil dengan menggunakan simulasi. Hasil dari .rhitungan Theory of Constraints, diketahui bahwa bottleneck terjadi pada proses peracikan obat kain tsar clan percetakan. Variabel input dalam sistem ini adalah waktu proses produksi dan waktu transportasi antar area au mesin. Variabel keputusan dalam sistem ini adalah jumlah mesin, jumlah operator, dan jumlah jam 3rja. Variabel respon dalam sistem ini adalah jumlah produk yang dihasilkan dan utilitas dari operator. [odd awal simulasi dari 9 replikasi menghasilkan rata-rata jumlah produksi sebesar 333 pieceslminggu Ong tidak sesuai dengan target produksi yang telah dibuat yaitu 438 pieces/minggu, sehingga dilakukan !ngembangan model skenario. Model skenario yang dihasilkan sebanyak 19 model, kemudian terpilih model skenario yang mampu menghasilkan hasil produksi yang mencapai target produksi. Keenam yodel skenario ini akan menjadi 6 model usulan. Berdasarkan uji ANOVA dan Fisher's least gnificant difference, didapatkan hasil bahwa model awal dan keenam model usulan berbeda signifikan. Usulan I dilakukan penambahan 5 operator barn dan tambahan 3 hari kerja lembur. Usulan II Llalculcan penambahan 5 operator baru dan penambahan 1 hari kerja. Usulan III dilakukan penambahan operator baru dan pengalokasian 3 operator dari proses packing, serta penambahan 3 hari lembur. sulan IV dilakukan penambahan 2 operator baru clan pengalokasian 3 operator dari proses packing :rta penambahan 1 hari kerja. Usulan V dilakukan penambahan 5 operator baru serta penambahan Sri lembur dan 1 hari kerja. Usulan VI dilakukan penambahan 2 operator baru serta pengalokasian 3 aerator dari proses packing, dilakukan juga penambahan 1 hari lembur dan 1 hari kerja. Berdasarkan perbandingan antara model awal dengan semua model usulan, maka didapatkan odel Usulan V merupakan model usulan terbaik karena basil output dari model usulan tersebut mampu encapai target produksi, yaitu sebesar 535 pieces. Model usulan tersebut juga dapat menghasilkan untungan terbesar yaitu Rp 160.962.744,00 dan meningkatkan persentase utilitas operator sebesar 91 %.
P PT Indraloka Binakarya Ika is a manufacturing company engaged in the production of batik cloth. The average production result per week in October and November 2011 was 34 pieces/week, while the production target was 438 pieces/week. The purpose of this study was to identify the production process that had obstacles using the Theory of Constraints, analyze and provide suggestions for the factors that have been identified, then evaluate the results using simulation. The results of the Theory of Constraints calculation, it is known that the bottleneck occurs in the process of compounding the tsar cloth medicine and printing. The input variables in this system are the production process time and transportation time between areas or machines. The decision variables in this system are the number of machines, the number of operators, and the number of working hours. The response variables in this system are the number of products produced and the utility of the operator. [initial simulation odds of 9 replications produced an average production volume of 333 pieces/week. Ong did not match the production target that had been made, which was 438 pieces/week, so a scenario model development was carried out. The scenario models produced were 19 models, then the scenario model that was able to produce production results that reached the production target was selected. These six scenario yodels will become 6 proposed models. Based on the ANOVA and Fisher's least significant difference tests, the results showed that the initial model and the six proposed models were significantly different. Proposal I added 5 new operators and added 3 overtime days. Proposal II added 5 new operators and added 1 workday. Proposal III added new operators and allocated 3 operators from the packing process, as well as added 3 overtime days. Proposal IV added 2 new operators and allocated 3 operators from the packing process, as well as added 1 workday. Proposal V added 5 new operators and added overtime and 1 workday. Proposal VI added 2 new operators and allocated 3 aerators from the packing process, also added 1 overtime day and 1 working day. Based on the comparison between the initial model and all proposed models, it was found that the Proposed V model is the best proposed model because the output of the proposed model is able to achieve the production target, which is 535 pieces. The proposed model can also generate the largest profit of Rp 160,962,744.00 and increase the operator utility percentage by 91%.