Analisa dan usulan perbaikan sistem kerja untuk meningkatkan kapasitas perakitan chassis engine axle mobil isuzu panther touring di PT. Pulogadung Pawitra Laksana
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2006
Pembimbing 1 : Roesmin Darwis
Subyek : Information systems;Machine parts
Kata Kunci : work system, company, product, resolution, angine, methods, machine, automotive, touring, capacity,
Status Posting : Published
Status : Tidak Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 25 | |
2. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 6 | |
4. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Bab-4_Pengumpulan-dan-Pengolahan-Data.pdf |
7. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Bab-5_Analisa.pdf |
8. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Bab-6_Usulan-Perbaikan.pdf |
9. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Bab-7_Kesimpulan.pdf | 3 | |
10. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
11. | 2006_TA_STI_06302212_Lampiran.pdf |
P PT. Pulogadung Pawitra Laksana adalah industri karoseri kendaraan bermotor dan merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang otomotif. Salah satu produk perusahaan ini adalah mobil Isuzu Panther Touring. Perusaham memiliki empat macam proses dalam perakitan, yaitu trimming, chassis, final I dan final II. Pada mobil Isuzu Panther Touring ini waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk penyelesaian produk lebih lama dibandingkan dengan mobil Isuzu Panther yang lainnya. Saat i ni perusahaan i ngin meningkatkan kapasitas perakitan chassis engine axle agar dapat memenuhi target yang telah ditetapkan. Salah satu cara untuk dapat memenuhi target tersebut adalah dengan melakukan perbaikan sistem kerja.Upaya untuk melakukan perbaikan sistem kerja saat ini dimulai denganmengamati secara langsung dan mengukur waktu setiap elemen kerja sebanyak 30 kali . Setelah itu dilakukan uji kecnkupan dan keseragaman data, perhitungan waktu normal, dan perhitungan waktu baku. Dari hasil perhitungan waktu baku tersebut, dilakukan pembuatan Peta Proses Operasi, Peta Aliran Proses, Diagram Aliran dan Peta Pekerja Mesin.Berdasarkan pengolahan data dibuat analisa terhadap perhitungan waktu baku, PetaAliran Proses, Diagram Aliran dan Peta Pekerja Mesin. Dari analisa tersebut dilakukan perbaikan sistem kerja perakitan chassis engine axle dengan cara menurunkan waktu baku operator, mengurangi waktu menganggur dan pengurangan tenaga kerja. Perbaikan elemen kerja yang dilakukan adalah waktu menganggur operator 1 LH di pos I dipekerjakan membantu sebagian elemen kerja operator I LH di pos III, operator III lainnya dapat membantu sebagian elemen kerja di pos lainnya dan seterusnya. Selain itu, operator 1 LH dapat membantu pekerjaan operator 2 RH dan operator 1 RH dapat membantu operator 2 LH di pos yang sama. Usulan perbaikan secara teoritis dilakukan dengan membuat Peta Aliran Proses, Diagram Aliran dan Peta Pekerja Mesin . Setelah diberikan usulan perbaikan secara twritis, kemudian dilakukan analisa dan diuji apakah usulan tersebut dapat memenuhi kapasitas yang telah ditetapkan dan dapat menurunkan waktu baku yang tinggi. Uji coba ini dilakukan dengan mengukur setiap waktu elemen kerja sebanyak 30 kali. s telah itu dilakukan uji kecu kupan dan keseragaman data, perhitungan waktu normal, dan perhitungan waktu baku. Dari hasil perhitungan waktu bairn tersebut, dilakukan pembuata.n Peta Aliran Proses, Diagram Aliran dan Peta Pekerja Mesin.Waktu baku perakitan chassis engine axle saat ini adalah 397.11 menit dengan jumlah operator 16 orang. Dari usulan perbaikan secara teoritis sebelum dilakukan uj i coba, dengan jumlah operator 13 orang maka basil yang diperoleh yaitu terjadi penurunan waktu baku sebesar 145.11 menit dengan waktu menganggur dan waktu kerja se iap siklus pembuatan 1 unit chassis sebesar 107.34 menit dan 37.77 menit. Setelah dilakukan uji coba berdasarkan usulan perbaikan teoritis maka hasil yang diperoleh yaitu waktu baku sebesar 252 menit dengan waktu menganggur dan waktu kerja setiap siklus pembuatan 1 unit chassis sebesar 11.9 menit dan 240.1 menit. Dengan adanya usulan perbaikan dan uji coba ini maka kapasitas perakitan chassis engine axle meningk at sebesar 57.58 % dari 38 unit chassis per hari menjadi 60 unit chassis per hari.
T The Pulogadung Pawitra Laksana was the industry karoseri motor vehicie and was one of the moving companies in automotive field. One of the company\'s products was the Isuzu Panther Touring car. The company had four process sorts in the assembly, that is trimming, chassis, the I final and the final II. To this Isuzu Panther Touring car time that was needed for the product resolu:ion longer compared with the Isuzu Panther car that other. At this time the company wanted to increase the assembly capacity chassis engine axle in order to be able to fill the target that was maintained. One of the methods of could fill this target was by doing the improvement of the work system.Efforts to carry out the improvement of the work system at this time were begunwith observed directly and measured time of each element of the work totalling 30 times. After that was carried out by the adequacy test and the uniformity of the data, the calculation of normal time, and the calculation of standard time. From result s of the calculation of this standard time, was done by the production of the Map of the Process of the Operation, the Map of the Process Current, the Map of the Working Group and the Map of the Worker the Machine.Was based on data processing was made by the analysis towards the calculation ofstandard time, the Map of the Process Current, the Map of the Working Group and the Map of the Worker the Machine. From the analysis that was made this was given to do the improvement of the work system of the assembly chassis engine axle by means of reducing standard time the operator, reduced unemployed time and the reduction in manpower. The improvement of the element of the work that was carried out was unemployed time the operator 1 LH was in the I post employed in order to be able to help some elements of the work of the operator 1 LH in the III post, the operator III other could help some elements of the work in the other post et cetera. Moreover, the operator 1 LH could help the work of the operator 2 RH and the operator 1 RH could help the 0perator 2 LH in the same post. The improvement proposal was theoretically carried out by making the Map of the Process Current, the Map of the V/orking Group, and the Map of the Worker the Machine. After being given by the improvement proposal theoretically, afterwards was done by the analysis and was tested whether this proposal could fill the capacity that was determined and could reduce high standard time. This test was carried out by measuring each kind of element time of the work totalling 30 times. After that was carried out by the adequacy test and the uniformity of the data, the calculation of normal time, and the calculation of standard time. From results of the calculation of this standard time, was done by the production of the Map of the Process Current, the Map of the Working Group and the Map of the Worker the Machine.Standard time the assembly chassis engine axle at this time was 397.11 minuteswith the number of operators 16 people. From the improvement propo sal theoretical ly before being done by the test, with the number of operators 13 people then result s that was received that is the decline in standard time happening as big as 145.11 minutes with unemployed time and work time of each production cycle 1 unit chassis as big as 107.34 minutes and 37.77 minutes. After being don by the test was based on the theoretical improvement proposal then results that was received that is :.tandard time of 252 minutes with unemployed time and work time of each production cycle 1 unit chassis as big as 11.9 minutes and 240.1 minute. With the existence of the improvement proposal and this test then the assembly capacity chassis engine axle increased as big as 57.58 % from 38 units chassis per the day to 60 units chassis per the day.