Perkembangan bentuk bukaan jendela pada bangunan pemerintahaan Belanda

Oleh : Tjihin Haryanto

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 0010/T/2012

Subyek : Architecture - Windows;Architecture - Building

Penerbit : FSRD - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2012

Pembimbing 1 : Yusuf Affendy D

Pembimbing 2 : Tetty Sekaryati

Kata Kunci : windows, architecture, dutch

Status Posting : Published

Status : Tidak Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2012-TS_MDP_191100033_Halaman-Judul.pdf 22
2. 2012_TS_MDP_191100033_Bab-1.pdf 13
3. 2012_TS_MDP_191100033_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2012_TS_MDP_191100033_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2012_TS_MDP_191100033_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2012_TS_MDP_191100033_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2012_TS_MDP_191100033_Bab-6.pdf
8. 2012_TS_MDP_191100033_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf

S Sejarah Jakarta tidak lepas dari jajahan belanda selama 3,5 abad, sepanjang perjalanan sejarah tersebut berkembang arsitektur-arsitektur di Indonesia. Khususnya dikawasan kota tua yang dimana pada abad 15 menjadi kota yang ramaiakan perdagangan. Akan tetapi Negara belanda tergiur akan kekayaan alam Indonesia sehingga ingin menguasai seluruh kekayaan alamnya. Selama perjalanan sejarah arsitektur kolonial belanda berkembang cukup pesat di kota Batavia yang pada saat ini menjadi Jakarta. Dimana bangunan-bangunan pemerintahan dibangun kokoh di tengah kota Batavia.Pada saat itu belanda membangun tanpa memperhatikan iklim setempat, sehingga bangunan yang dibangun tidak nyaman untuk di tinggal. Pada abad 17, arsitektur kolonial beralkulturasi dengan arsitektur local khususnya jawa. Dimana pada saat itu bangunan jawa sudah beradapatasi dengan lingkungan. Arsitektur yang terbentuk didalam bangunan kolonial terjadi khususnya pada bukaan jendela yang menggunakan sirip kisi-kisi atau lubang angin.Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna membantu meminimalkan penggunaan energy buatan dan berahli ke energy alami seperti pada zaman kolonial pada saat itu.Tujuan dari penelitian ini, agar Indonesia mengenal lebih banyak bahwa arsitektur kolonial belanda tersebut belajar dari arsitektur local. Sehingga dapat menjadi suatu kebanggaan bagi Negara kita.

J Jakarta's history cannot be separated from the influence of the Dutch and their three-and-halfcenturies of occupation and, as a consequence, they left their mark throughout architecture inIndonesia. This influence is most prevalent in the area of old town Jakarta where, in the fifteenth century,there was a bustling city of trade. Initially, however, the Dutch settlers were obstinate in building their European structures in an effort to impose their conquest on the local population. During the history of the Dutch, colonial architecture developed rapidly in the city of Batavia, which was to becomemodern Jakarta. Government buildings from the Dutch era were built as a foundation in the middle of Batavia city. At the time, the Dutch built their structures without regard for the local climate, therefore the buildings were not comfortable to live in during seasonal temperature fluctuations. In the following seventeenth century, colonial architecture incoporated elements of indigenous architecture, especially Javanese design conventions. During this period, Javanese dwellings were already well adapted to the equatorial weather. The arriving colonists began to include more windows, higher roofs, vents and lattice fins in their construction efforts after learning from the native populace.This study is an investigation on using these historic construction techniques to help minimize the expenditure of energy on artificial climate control in modern dwellings. To increase the energy efficiciency of homes today, we can use innovative ideas from colonial times.This will allow us to learn from times past from the Dutch colonials who, in turn, learned from the architecture developed by the indigenous population to suit the equatorial climate. Recovering these clever construction techniques from the pages of history will allow us to learn from the past and subsequently recall the pride of our country

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