Analisis kelayakan ekonomi dan pemenuhan aspek teknis dan sosial pada investasi pembangunan (studi kasus: Cluster Lavesh Harapan Indah)


Oleh : Hendrick Amsal Hasudungan Simangunsong

Info Katalog

Subyek : Technical education - Social aspects

Penerbit : FTSP - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2020

Pembimbing 1 : Sutardi

Kata Kunci : social and financial aspects and customer satisfaction

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2021_TS_MTS_151011900011_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2021_TS_MTS_151011900011_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 4
3. 2021_TS_MTS_151011900011_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 8
4. 2021_TS_MTS_151011900011_-Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2021_TS_MTS_151011900011_Bab-3_Metodelogi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2021_TS_MTS_151011900011_-Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf
7. 2021_TS_MTS_151011900011_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf
8. 2021_TS_MTS_151011900011_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
9. 2021_TS_MTS_151011900011_Lampiran.pdf

D Dalam menjalankan suatu bisnis property, tidak dapat dipungkiri akan menemui suatu masalah atau penyimpangan. Agar masalah tersebut dapat dikendalikan dan diselesaikan, maka perlu diadakan sebuah studi kelayakan. Proyek pembangunan cluster lavesh phase 2 berlokasi di Harapan Indah dengan PT. PMRU sebagai pihak developer, berencana membangun perumahan berlantai 2 sebanyak 251 unit. Untuk mengetahui kelayakan proyek, perlu dilakukan studi kelayakan dengan aspek teknis, sosial, dan finansial. Dan untuk membuat role mode pemasaran penjualan unit tersebut, akan dilakukan pengujian tingkat kepuasan konsumen pada cluster lavesh phase 1. Analisis aspek teknis dan sosial dalam menentukan kelayakannya akan Meninjau peraturan yang telah ditetapkan seperti peraturan menteri dan peraturan daerah, selanjutnya membandingkan isi dan syarat-syarat dari peraturan tersebut berdasarkan aspek teknis dan sosial terkait. Analisis aspek finansial penelitian ini meliputi pemasukan dan pengeluaran proyek. Kelayakan aspek finansial ditentukan berdasarkan nilai Net Present Value, Benefit Cost Ratio, dan Internal Rate of Return, dan analisis sensitivitas. Untuk mengetahui kepuasan konsumen maka penelitian ini akan menggunakan software SPSS. Hasil penelitian dalam aspek teknik menunjukkan bahwa letak geografis, aksesbilitas lokasi, utilitas umum, tinggi bangunan, koefisien dasar bangunan,dan koefisien lantai bangunan proyek perumahan cluster lavesh phase 2 layak. Hasil analisis aspek sosial berdasarkan penyediaan fasilitas umum, fasilitas sosial, tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan perusahaan, pembangunan proyek perumahan cluster lavesh phase 2 juga dinyatakan layak. Hasil penelitian dalam aspek finanisal jika diasumsikan pada tingkat suku bunga 14% per tahun dan menggunakan tiga skema penjualan yaitu , Penjualan unit lima tahun atau kondisi ekonomi optimis diperoleh nilai Net Present Value sebesar Rp. 28.100.354.626, (NPV > 0), nilai Benefit Cost Ratio sebesar 1,0843 (BCR > 1), nilai Internal Rate of Return sebesar 24,78% (IRR > MARR 15%), analisis sensitivitas untuk kenaikan biaya sebesar 15% maka, NPV Rp., > 0, BCR sebesar 1,074 > 1, IRR sebesar 23,84%, maka proyek perumahan cluster lavesh phase 2 layak. Penjualan unit 7 tahun atau kondisi ekonomi sedangdiperoleh nilai Net Present Value sebesar Rp. 19.868.370.450,- (NPV > 0), nilai Benefit Cost Ratio sebesar 1,0562 (BCR > 1), nilai Internal Rate of Return sebesar 20,95% (IRR > MARR 15%), analisis sensitivitas untuk kenaikan biaya sebesar 15% maka, NPV Rp,14.472.209.240, > 0, BCR sebesar 1,042 > 1, IRR sebesar 19,34% maka proyek perumahan cluster lavesh phase 2 layak. Penjualan unit 9 tahun atau kondisi ekonomi pesimis diperoleh nilai Net Present Value sebesar Rp12.362.689.623,- (NPV > 0), nilai Benefit Cost Ratio sebesar 1,0367 (BCR > 1), nilai Internal Rate of Return sebesar 18,07% (IRR > MARR 15%), analisis sensitivitas untuk kenaikan biaya sebesar 15% maka, NPV Rp.4.111.628.617, > 0, BCR sebesar 1,011 > 1, IRR sebesar 15,48% maka proyek perumahan cluster lavesh phase 2 layak. Hasil penelitian dalam aspek finanisal jika diasumsikan pada tingkat suku bunga 5% per tahun dan menggunakan tiga skema penjualan yaitu, Penjualan unit lima tahun atau kondisi ekonomi optimis diperoleh nilai Net Present Value sebesar Rp. 63.449.191.588, (NPV > 0), nilai Benefit Cost Ratio sebesar 1,176 (BCR > 1), nilai Internal Rate of Return sebesar 24,82% (IRR > MARR 15%), analisis sensitivitas untuk kenaikan biaya sebesar 15% maka, NPV Rp.59.507.020.633, > 0, BCR sebesar 1.163 > 1, IRR sebesar 24,05% maka proyek perumahan cluster lavesh phase 2 layak. Penjualan unit 7 tahun atau kondisi ekonomi sedangdiperoleh nilai Net Present Value sebesar Rp. 62.516.650.771 (NPV > 0), nilai Benefit Cost Ratio sebesar 1,171 (BCR > 1), nilai Internal Rate of Return sebesar 21,87% (IRR > MARR 15%), analisis sensitivitas untuk kenaikan biaya sebesar 15% maka, NPV Rp.54.956.042.232, > 0, BCR sebesar 1,147 > 1, IRR sebesar 20,63% maka proyek perumahan cluster lavesh phase 2 layak. Penjualan unit 9 tahun atau kondisi ekonomi pesimis diperoleh nilai Net Present Value sebesar Rp.49.508.898.361 (NPV > 0), nilai Benefit Cost Ratio sebesar 1,167 (BCR > 1), nilai Internal Rate of Return sebesar 19,94% (IRR > MARR 15%), analisis sensitivitas untuk kenaikan biaya sebesar 15% maka, NPV Rp.49.508.898.361, > 0, BCR sebesar 1,130> 1, IRR sebesar 18,06% maka proyek perumahan cluster lavesh phase 2 layak. Hasil penelitian kepuasan konsumen cluster lavesh phas 2 puas akan kepemilikan unit di cluster tersebut, dan memberikan nilai tambah terhadap penjualan di cluster lavesh phase berikutnya.

I In running a property business, it is inevitable that you will encounter problems or irregularities. In order for this problem to be controlled and resolved, it is necessary to conduct a feasibility study. The phase 2 lavesh cluster development project is located in Harapan Indah with PT. PMRU, as the developer, plans to build 251 units of 2-storey housing units. To find out the feasibility of a project, it is necessary to carry out a feasibility study with technical, social and financial aspects. And to make the sales marketing role mode of the unit, testing the level of consumer satisfaction in the lavesh cluster phase 1 will be conducted. Analysis of technical and social aspects in determining feasibility. Reviewing established regulations such as ministerial regulations and regional regulations, then comparing the content and requirements of these regulations based on related technical and social aspects. Analysis of the financial aspects of this study includes project income and expenditure. The feasibility of the financial aspect is determined based on the value of Net Present Value, Benefit Cost Ratio, and Internal Rate of Return, and sensitivity analysis. To determine customer satisfaction, this study will use SPSS software. The results of the research in the technical aspect show that the geographical location, location accessibility, public utilities, building height, building base coefficient, and floor coefficient of the cluster lavesh phase 2 residential project building are feasible. The results of the social aspect analysis based on the provision of public facilities, social facilities, corporate social and environmental responsibility, the construction of phase 2 of the lavesh cluster housing project were also deemed feasible. The results of the research in the financial aspect, if it is assumed at an interest rate of 14% per year and using three sales schemes, namely, five-year unit sales or optimistic economic conditions, the net present value is Rp. 28,100,354,626, (NPV> 0), Benefit Cost Ratio value of 1.0843 (BCR> 1), Internal Rate of Return value of 24.78% (IRR> MARR 15%), sensitivity analysis for cost increases of 15% then, NPV Rp. 25,013,130,976,> 0, BCR of 1.074> 1, IRR of 23.84%, then the phase 2 lavesh cluster housing project is feasible. Sales of units for 7 years or in moderate economic conditions obtained a Net Present Value of Rp. 19,868,370,450, - (NPV> 0), the Benefit Cost Ratio value is 1.0562 (BCR> 1), the Internal Rate of Return value is 20.95% (IRR> MARR 15%), the sensitivity analysis for cost increases is 15 % then, NPV Rp, 14,472,209,240,> 0, BCR of 1.042> 1, IRR of 19.34%, the phase 2 lavesh cluster housing project is feasible. 9-year unit sales or pessimistic economic conditions obtained a Net Present Value of IDR 12,362,689,623 (NPV> 0), a Benefit Cost Ratio of 1.0367 (BCR> 1), an Internal Rate of Return of 18.07 % (IRR> MARR 15%), sensitivity analysis for a cost increase of 15%, then, NPV Rp. 4,111,628,617,> 0, BCR of 1,011> 1, IRR of 15.48%, the cluster lavesh phase 2 housing project is feasible. The results of research in the financial aspect, if assumed at an interest rate of 5% per year and use three sales schemes, namely, five-year unit sales or optimistic economic conditions, the net present value is obtained Rp. 63,449,191,588, (NPV> 0), the Benefit Cost Ratio value of 1.176 (BCR> 1), the Internal Rate of Return value of 24.82% (IRR> MARR 15%), sensitivity analysis for cost increases of 15%, then, NPV of Rp. 59,507,020,633,> 0, BCR of 1,163> 1, IRR of 24.05%, the cluster lavesh phase 2 housing project is feasible. Sales of units for 7 years or in moderate economic conditions obtained a Net Present Value of Rp. 62,516,650,771 (NPV> 0), the Benefit Cost Ratio value of 1.171 (BCR> 1), the Internal Rate of Return value of 21.87% (IRR> MARR 15%), the sensitivity analysis for cost increases by 15%, then, NPV Rp. 54,956,042,232,> 0, BCR of 1,147> 1, IRR of 20.63%, the cluster lavesh phase 2 housing project is feasible. 9-year unit sales or pessimistic economic conditions obtained a Net Present Value of IDR 49,508,898,361 (NPV> 0), a Benefit Cost Ratio of 1.167 (BCR> 1), an Internal Rate of Return of 19.94% (IRR> MARR 15%), a sensitivity analysis for a cost increase of 15%, then, NPV Rp. 49,508,898,361,> 0, BCR of 1.130> 1, IRR of 18.06%, the cluster lavesh phase 2 housing project is feasible. The results of the research on consumer satisfaction in the lavesh phas 2 cluster are satisfied with the ownership of the unit in the cluster, and provide added value to sales in the next phase lavesh cluster.

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