Antecedents dan consequences dari recovery satisfaction pada restoran fastfood
T Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai pengaruh dari Distributive Justice (DJ), Prosedw•al Justice (PJ), dan Interactional Justice (D), pada Customer Satisfaction dengan Recovery Satisfaction dan untuk menguji hubungan antara Recovery Satisfaction dengan pelanggan selanjutnya, yaitu: Trost, Word of Mouth (WOM) dan Revisit Intention, survei diberikan untuk mengumpulkan data dari pelanggan yang pemah makan dan mengalam.i keluhan dalam hal pelayanan, di restoran cepat saji Me Donald. Hasilnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa Distributive Justice (DJ) dan Prosedural Justice (PJ) tidak berpengaruh terhadap Recovery Satisfaction, hanya Interactional Justice (D) yang berpengaruh terhadap Recovery Satisfaction, sementara itu Recovery satisfaction hanya memiliki pengaruh terhadap Word of Mouth, karena Recovery Satisfaction tidak berpengaruh terbadap Tntst dan Revisit Intention
T The purpose of this study is to assess the relative influences of distributive (DJ), procedural (PJ), and interactional (IJ) justices on customer satisfaction with service recovery and to examine the relationship between recove1y satisfaction and subsequent customer relationships: trust, word of-mouth (WOM), and revisit intention. On-site surveys were administered ro collect data from customer who take ate and experienced a service failure, at fast food restaurant Mc-Donald. The results conclude that distributive justice (DJ) and prosedural justice (PJ) had no effect to recovery satisfactions, only interactional justice (IJ) had affect to recovery satisfaction. Meanwhile recovery satisfaction found had an effect only to word of mouth (WOM) whereas recovery satisfaction found had no effect to tmst and revisit intention.