Anteseden dari kepuasan nasabah
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Tangibility, Responsiveness, Empathy, Assurance, Reliability, dan Image terhadap Customer Satisfaction terhadap kinerja dari Bank Central Asia.. Sampel yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini berjumlah 260 responden dan dikumpulkan dengan pengisiankuesioner. Pengujian dilakukan dengan metode Structural Equation Model (SEM).Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) tangibility berpengaruh positif terhadap customersatisfaction, (2) responsiveness berpengaruh positif terhadap customer satisfaction, (3) empathy berpengaruh positif terhadap customer satisfaction, (4) reliability berpengaruh positif terhadap customer satisfaction, (5) image berpengaruh positif terhadap customer satisfaction.
T This study aims to analyze the influence of Tangibility, Responsiveness,Empathy, Assurance, Reliability, and Image on Customer Satisfaction on theperformance of Bank Central Asia. The sample used in this study amounted to 260respondents and collected by filling out the questionnaire. The test is done byStructural Equation Model (SEM) method. The result of this research is (1)tangibility have positive effect to customer satisfaction, (2) responsiveness havepositive effect to customer satisfaction, (3) empathy have positive effect on customersatisfaction, (4) reliability have positive effect to customer satisfaction, (5) Positiveto customer satisfaction.