Usulan peningkatan kualitas produk dengan menggunakan metode six sigma pada proses produksi dinding samping dan kaki lemari seri canali di PT. Sri Tokai Indonesia
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2011
Pembimbing 1 : Dedy Sugiarto
Pembimbing 2 : Rina Fitriana
Subyek : Problem solving - canali drawer;Quality control - six sigma method;Production process - potential failure
Kata Kunci : DPMO, FMEA, product research and development, six sigma
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2011_TA_TI_06307130_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 23 | |
2. | 2011_TA_TI_06307130_Bab1.pdf |
3. | 2011_TA_TI_06307130_Bab2.pdf |
4. | 2011_TA_TI_06307130_Bab3.pdf |
5. | 2011_TA_TI_06307130_Bab4.pdf |
6. | 2011_TA_TI_06307130_Bab5.pdf |
7. | 2011_TA_TI_06307130_Bab6.pdf |
8. | 2011_TA_TI_06307130_Bab7.pdf | 2 | |
9. | 2011_TA_TI_06307130_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 2 | |
10. | 2011_TA_TI_06307130_Lampiran.pdf |
P PT. Sri Tokai Indonesia merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang furniture. Tingginya permintaan konsumen dan tingginya jumlah cacat terhadap produk lemari seri Canali menuntut perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk tersebut Pemilihan bagian yang menjadi fokus penelitian adalah dinding samping dan kaki lemari seri Canali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang ada, memberikan usulan perbaikan dan membandingkan tingkat sigma sebelum dan sesudah implementasi.Saat ini perusahaan memiliki nilai DPMO sebesar 49.000 dengan tingkat sigma 3.15 sigma. Untuk mencapai peningkatan sigma perlu dilakukan analisa dan perbaikan terhadap proses produksi yaitu dengan menggunakan tabel FMEA untuk mengetahui keseriusan dari potential failure. Berdasarkan analisa tersebut diketahui jenis kegagalan yaitu pas\' a proses siku di mesin handplanner dengan nilai RPN 252, penghalusan dengar shaper dengan ni\'-\' RPN 252 dan proses peraldtan rangka dinding samping de gan nilai RPN terbesUntuk menurunkan -egagaian yang terjadi, diberikan usulan perbaikan agar kuaitas produk meningkat. Usian perbaikm yaitu den, porancangan dan pembuatan alat bantu berupa mal dinding samping dan penghantar siku pada mesin handplanner, serta memberikan klem antara jig dan material untuk proses shaper. Setelah usulan perbaikan diimplementasikan, diketahui bahwa terjadi penurunan DPMO dari 49.000 menjadi 43.000 dan peningkatan tingkat sigma dari 3.15 sigma menjadi 3.22 sigma.
P PT. Sri Tokai is an Indonesian manufacturing company that is specialised in making furniture. Exceeded demand of the products, ironically, with high number of defects during production have realised the company to increase the quality of the products especially for the Canali drawer product. This research has found out the two most common defects from the Canali drawer, they were the side wall and the drawer foot stand of which have been put the focus onto. Three purposes of this research are to identi.b, problems that were occurred, to give implementation based on the advices for improvement in term of the quality control focusing on those two defects, and to compare DPMO and sigma values before and after the implementation.Initially the DPMO value is 49.000 with sigma value 3.15. In order to cut down DPMO value and to .•each higher sigma value, a thorough analysis and innovation on the production process were conducted. Moreover in order to determine severity from potential failure, FMEA table is z. ,d Based on the analysis, typical failure types were discovered during production process, ranked in Its N value. Those failures were revealed during be) ling process using a hand planner machine, during shaping process using a shaper, and during side wall assembly with RPN value 252, 252, and 210 respectively.After research completion, suggestions for improvement were given to the company and have been implemented during production process. They were the application of two additional parts that have been designed to work automatically as the side wall and bending aiding tools, attached on the hand-planner machine. Another implementation was the use of clamps to hold the jig and the working piece during shaping process.After those implementations, the DPMO value was successfully decreased to 43.000 and simultaneously rose up the sigma value to 3.22. Thus the failures have been successfully reduced which means the quality of the product has been successfully improved. Now Canali drawer is made with better production process with less defects.