Mineral alterasi hidrotermal di sumur UBL - π 1 lapangan panas bumi Ululbelu, Provinsi Lampung

Oleh : Isabella Fitriana

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 488/TG/2013

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2013

Pembimbing 1 : Imam M. Prasetyo

Subyek : Drilling Well

Kata Kunci : cutting, composite log, well, ulubelu

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2013_GL_TA_07207014_6.pdf
2. 2013_GL_TA_07207014_5.pdf
3. 2013_GL_TA_07207014_4.pdf
4. 2013_GL_TA_07207014_3.pdf
5. 2013_GL_TA_07207014_2.pdf
6. 2013_GL_TA_07207014_1.pdf

S Sumur UBL- π 1 merupakan sumur eksplorasi yang terdapat di bagian utara dari lapangan panas bumi Ulubelu, Lampung. Sumur UBL- π 1 melalui tiga satuan batuan yaitu Breksi Tuf, Andesit Basaltik, dan Breksi Tuf – Breksi Andesit. Litologi penyusun satuan batuan tersebut secara keseluruhan berupa breksi tuf, breksi andesit, lava andesit basaltik, dan tuf. Data yang digunakan berupa data sampel cutting, composite log, dan table distribusi mineral ubahan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskripsi menggunakan mikroskop binokuler, deskripsi petrografi, analisis x-ray diffraction, dan analisis inklusi fluida. Mineral ubahan yang terdapat pada sumur UBL- π 1 yakni smektit, klorit, pirit, kalsit, epidot, wairakit, oksida besi, kristobalit, kuarsa sekunder, illite dan mix layered clay. Mineral ubahan tersebut diidentifikasi sebagai pengganti dari mineral primer maupun sebagai pengisi urat dan rongga. Zona alterasi hidrotermal pada sumur UBL- π 1 dibagi menjadi tiga zona yakni zona smektit (<200°C), zona klorit (~230°C), dan zona klorit- epidot (240-250°C). Indikasi adanya fase cooling diketahui melalui perbandingan temperature hasil pengukuran saat pengeboran dengan temperatur pembentukan mineral ubahan yang teridentifikasi, serta temperatur yang diperoleh melalui analisis inklusi fluida.

W Well UBL- π 1 is an exploratory well located in the northern part of Ulubelu geothermal field, Lampung. Well UBL- π 1 intercepted three rock units which are Tuff Breccia, Basaltic Andesite, and Tuff Breccia – Andesite Breccia. The rock formations consist of tuff breccias, andesite breccias, basaltic andesite lavas, and tuffs. Data used are cutting samples, composite logs, tables of alteration minerals distribution. Were used for this study. The samples were analyzed by using binocular microscope, petrography, x-ray diffraction, and fluid inclusion. Alteration minerals identified in well UBL- π 1 are, smectite, chlorite, pyrite, calcite, epidote, wairakite, iron oxide, crystobalite, secondary quartz, illite and mix layered clay. Alteration minerals were found as replacement from primary minerals as well as vein and cavity filling. Hydrothermal alteration zones of well UBL- π 1 divided in to three zones which are smectite zone (<200°C), chlorite zone (~230°C), and chlorite-epidote zone (240-250°C). Cooling indications were known through comparisons of measured downhole temperatures with formation temperatures of alteration minerals identified, as well as temperatures obtained through fluid inclusion analysis.

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