Perbaikan kualitas kemasan produk surgical suture di pt. xyz dengan penerapan metode six sigma dan Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA)


Oleh : Nurul Fathiya

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Wawan Kurniawan

Pembimbing 2 : Idriwal Mayusda

Subyek : Six sigma (Quality control standard)

Kata Kunci : six sigma, define measure analyze improve control (DMAIC), critical to quality (CTQ), defect per Mil

Status : Lengkap

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I Industri medis saat ini memiliki standar kualitas yang sangat tinggi untuk produk medis seperti surgical suture. PT XYZ, sebagai produsen ternama dalam industri ini, menghadapi tantangan dalam mengurangi tingkat cacat produk surgical suture. Pada penelitian ini difokuskan pada produk surgical suture yang diproduksi oleh PT XYZ. Permasalahan didapatkan dari hasil produksi surgical suture yang dilakukan pada periode Januari hingga Maret, dimana pada periode tersebut terdapat tingkat cacat produksi yang cukup signifikan. Tujuan penelitian yang akan dilakukan untuk melakukan perbaikan kualitas dari kemasan produk surgical suture yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab terjadi cacat pada proses produksi kemasan produk sugrical suture di PT. XYZ, mengidentifikasi tahapan proses produksi kemasan yang dilakukan agar dapat mengurangi produk kemasan cacat dan mengimplementasikan perbaikan serta memberikan saran perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan pada proses produksi kemasan surgical suture PT. XYZ. Pada penelitian ini akan digunakan metode Six Sigma berupa DMAIC. Pada tahap Define digunakan alat bantu berupa diagram supplier, input, process, output, dan customer (SIPOC) dan identifikasi critical to quality (CTQ). Pada tahap Measure terdapat perhitungan dengan peta kendali P dan peta kendali C serta DPMO dan tingkat sigma. Pada tahap analyze, dilakukan analisa terkait penyebab dari kegagalan dengan tools berupa diagram pareto, fishbone diagram, serta failure mode effect analysis (FMEA). Tahap selanjutnya yaitu Improve, dimana pada tahap sebelumnya yaitu FMEA, didapatkan kecacatan dengan RPN tertinggi berupa kardus robek, warna tidak sesuai dan kardus lembab. Maka dari itu, kecacatan kardus perlu diberikan usulan perbaikan menggunakan analisa 5W 1H. Berdasarkan hasil analisa 5W 1H, didapatkan bahwa alternatif perbaikan dari cacat kardus robek, warna tidak konsisten dan kardus lembab adalah penambahan frekuensi penggantian alat potong mesin potong cetakan, penggunaan alat bantu pembersihan mesin cetak printing dan memperbaiki SOP pemantauan lingkungan pabrik. Dan usulan tambahan berupa tisu basah antiseptic di setiap kardus packaging produk surgical suture. Setelah tahap Improve, maka dilakukan tahap akhir berupa Control untuk melihat apakah implementasi usulan perbaikan memberikan dampak positif bagi perusahaan. Hasil implementasi menyatakan adanya pengingkatan nilai sigma menjadi 3.670 sigma.

T The medical industry currently has very high quality standards for medical products such as surgical sutures. PT XYZ, as a well-known manufacturer in this industry, faces challenges in reducing the level of surgical suture product defects. This research focuses on surgical suture products produced by PT XYZ. The problem was obtained from the results of surgical suture production which was carried out in the January to March period, during which period there was a fairly significant level of production defects. The aim of the research to be carried out is to improve the quality of surgical suture product packaging, namely to identify the causes of defects in the production process of surgical suture product packaging at PT. XYZ, identifies the stages of the packaging production process that are carried out in order to reduce defective packaging products and implement improvements and provide suggestions for improvements that can be made to PT\'s surgical suture packaging production process. XYZ. In this research, the Six Sigma method in the form of DMAIC will be used. At the Define stage, tools are used in the form of supplier, input, process, output and customer (SIPOC) diagrams and critical to quality (CTQ) identification. In the Measure stage there are calculations with the X bar R control chart, P control chart, C control chart as well as DPMO and sigma levels. At the analyze stage, analysis is carried out regarding the causes of failure using tools in the form of Pareto diagrams, fishbone diagrams, and failure mode effect analysis (FMEA). The next stage is Improve, where in the previous stage, namely FMEA, defects with the highest RPN were found in the form of torn cardboard, inappropriate color and damp cardboard. Therefore, cardboard defects need to be proposed for improvement using 5W 1H analysis. Based on the results of the 5W 1H analysis, it was found that alternative improvements for defects in torn cardboard, inconsistent color and damp cardboard were increasing the frequency of replacing cutting tools on mold cutting machines, using printing machine cleaning aids and improving factory environmental monitoring SOP. And an additional suggestion is in the form of antiseptic wet wipes in every cardboard packaging for surgical suture products. After the Improve stage, the final stage is carried out in the form of Control to see whether the implementation of the proposed improvements has a positive impact on the company. The implementation results stated that there was an increase in the sigma value to 3,670 sigma.

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