Korelasi antara ekspresi hemoglobin subunit beta dan superoxide dismutase-2 pada kanker serviks: studi preliminari
L LATAR BELAKANG Hemoglobin Subunit Beta (HBB) dan Superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) adalah dua gen pengkode enzim antioksidan endogen. Studi terdahulu membuktikan peran kedua gen tersebut dalam progresivitas kanker serviks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi korelasi antara ekspresi kedua gen tersebut pada pasien kanker serviks. METODE Penelitian uji kuantitas mRNA dilakukan dengan menggunakan 38 sampel biopsi jaringan kanker serviks. RNA sampel diisolasi dan diuji kualitasnya menggunakan nanofotometer, kemudian diubah menjadi copy-DNA (cDNA). cDNA kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan q-PCR menggunakan primer HBB, SOD2, dan GAPDH. Data berupa Ct value diperoleh, kemudian nilai ekspresi gen dikalkulasi. HASIL Nilai rerata ekspresi HBB meningkat proporsional dengan progresivitas penyakit menurut stadium (p<0,05), hasil yang sama diperoleh untuk ekspresi SOD2 (p>0,05). Berdasarkan hasil uji korelasi, ditemukan R = 0,47, yang menandakan bahwa terdapat korelasi sedang dengan arah positif antara ekspresi gen HBB dan SOD2 (p < 0,05). KESIMPULAN Ekspresi HBB dan SOD2 meningkat secara proporsional dengan progresivitas penyakit pada kanker serviks. Korelasi antara HBB dan SOD2 positif sedang, menandakan bahwa kedua gen tersebut saling mempengaruhi dalam kerjanya.
B BACKGROUND Hemoglobin Subunit Beta (HBB) and Superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) code endogenous antioxidants, and have been proven to play a role in cervical cancer. This study aims to determine the correlation between expression of these genes in cervical cancer patients. METHOD mRNA from 38 cervical cancer tissue biopsy samples is quantified in this research. RNA samples were isolated and checked for contaminants using a nanophotometer, and when cleared were synthesized into cDNA, then analyzed using a q-PCR machine using HBB, SOD2 and GAPDH primers. Data in the form of Ct values were obtained, then the gene expression values were calculated. RESULTS Expression of HBB increased proportionally to disease progression (p<0.05). The same findings were found for SOD2 (p>0.05). The Spearman correlation test, found R=0.47, indicating moderate correlation between the expression of HBB and SOD2 genes (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION This study concluded that HBB and SOD2 expression significantly increased throughout the progression of cervical cancer. The correlation between HBB and SOD2 is moderately positive, indicating that the two genes influence each other moderately in their workings