Analisa kinerja Infrastruktur jaringan sistem informasi manajemen rumah sakit
S Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) adalah suatu sistem teknoiogi informasi komunikasi yang memproses dan mengintegrasikan seiuruh alur proses pelayanan Rumah Sakit. Pelaksanaan pengelolaan dan pengembangan SIMRS hams mampu meningkatkan dan mendukung proses pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Untuk mampu meningkatkan dan mendukung proses pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit, salah sate aspek yang periu diperhatikan adalah infrastruktur jaringan SIMRS. Kinerja infrastruktur jaringan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) di Direktorat Kesehatan Angkatan Darat (RSPAD) be1um pernah diteliti sebeiumnya, sehingga periu dilakukan penelitian. Saat ini, penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi analisa CPU dan temperature pada switch, analisa availability, analisa latency, analisa throughput dan analisa loop pada jaringan SIMRS. Hasi1 penelitian diketahui bahwa mayoritas switch memiliki temperature> 40°C, utiiisasi CPU < 10%, availability rata—rata switch > 99%, latency <1 ms yang sudah mendukung komunikasi voice call, video conferencing, interactive data applications karena latency dan loop pada jaringan SIMRS sudah dapat dihindari dengan mengimplementasikan fitur Extreme Loop Recovery Protocol (ELRP). Namun hasil pengetesan throughput, data yang diterima tidak sesuai dengan data yang dikirimkan karena terdapat keterbatasan bandwidth internet.
H Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) is a system information communications technology that processes and integrates the entire workflow process Hospital services. Implementation of the management and development of SIMRS should be able to improve and support the health care process in hospitals. To be able to improve and support the health care process in hospitals, one aspect to note is network infrastructure SEvIRS. Performance network infrastructure Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) at Health Directorate of the Army (Army Hospital) had never been researched before, so it is necessary to research. Currently, the research include analysis of the CPU and the temperature on the switch, analysis of availability, analysis of latency, analysis of throughput and loop on SIMRS network. The research results revealed that majority of the switches have temperature > 410°C, CPU utilization < 10%, the average availability switches > 99%, latency < lms which already supports communication voice calls, video conferencing, interactive applications because the data latency and loop SIMRS network could have been avoided by implementing the features Extreme Loop Recovery Protocol (EL RP). But the results of testing throughput, data received does not correspond to the transmitted data because there is limited on internet bandwidth.