Formulasi demulsifier baru untuk mengatasi emulsi minyak di lapangan Z Sumatera Selatan
L Lapangan “Z†terjadi masalah emulsi dan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut telah dilakukan dengan penambahan bahan kimia demulsifier.Di beberapa satelit telah dilakukan injeksi bahan kimia demulsifier karena problem emulsi dan water cut yang cukup tinggi, emulsi tersebut terjadi emulsi karena minyak mentah yang bercampur padatan dan didominasi oleh air. Saat ini masih sering terjadi emulsi pada tangki pengumpul minyak ditandai dengan BS&W (Basic Sediment and Water) dan kandungan garam (salt content) yangtinggi. Dengan melakukan pengembangan bahan kimia baru berupa demulsifier (pemecah emulsi), maka demulsifier akan membuat emulsi pecah danmenurunkan kandungan garam (salt content). Pengembangan formulasi barudemulsifier dilakukan dengan metode Bottle Test dalam skala laboratorium.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakansampel minyak mentah (crude oil), yaitu minyak Z-1 dan minyak Z-2 serta airproduksi (produced water) dari lapangan “Z†yang diambil dari beberapa satelitdan sumur minyak yang belum kena injeksi demulsifier, sumur dengan produksiminyak per hari (BOPD) yang besar dan sumur dengan emulsi yang kuat.Dalam penelitian bottle test ini berhasil ditemukan jenis demulsifier baruyang lebih efektif dan ekonomis dengan dosis optimal 15 ppm sesuai dengan oAPIGravity tertentu, dengan BS&W < 0,5 % dan salt content < 7,0 ptb. Formulasitersebut merupakan gabungan komponen demulsifier tunggal A, B dan C, dengannama kode: ABC-2 (Non Ionic EO/PO block polymer, alkylphenol ethoxylateresins, di-epoxides base).
T The emulsion occurs at many stages in the production and treatment of crude oil in Field â€Z†and to overcome the problem and the most effective method to overcome the problem is to demulsify the crude by using chemical demulsifiers. In some satellite, some chemical demulsifier is injected due to encountered aemulsion problem and high water cut. Emulsified water is generally present incrude oil as a result of mixing occurring during production operations. The formation of emulsion leads to problems in production and also transportation.Moreover, the crude oil must comply with certain product specifications,including the amount of basic sediment and water (BS&W) and salt content,which means that the produced water must be separated from the oil to meet crudespecifications. Currently, emulsion is indicated by high BS&W and high saltcontent.By developing a new chemical demulsifier which is the emulsion breaker ordemulsifier will break down the emulsion and decrease the salt content. Thedemulsifier bottle test can be described as the procedure in which differentdemulsifiers are added to bottle samples of a crude oil emulsion to determinewhich demulsifier is the most effective at breaking, or separating, the crude oilemulsion into oil and water components. The new demulsifier formulation wasfound by the bottle test method based on the formulation products are mixed withthe crude oil sample and their performance are carefully evaluated for selection ofthe best demulsifier.This research is using crude oil samples, namely crude oil Z-1 and crude oil Z-2and produced water from "Z" field are taken from several satellite and oil wellswith untreated of demulsifiers, oil wells with large oil production per day (BOPD)and oil wells with the strong emulsions.In this research bottle test is successfully found the new demulsifier formulationbased on the formulation products are mixed with the crude oil sample and theirperformance are carefully evaluated for selection of the best demulsifier whichmore effective and economical with optimal dosage rate 15 ppm according tocertain oAPI Gravity, with BS&W < 0.5% and salt content < 7.0 ptb. The newformulation is a combination of single demulsifier single A, B and C component,with the new code named ABC-2 (Non Ionic EO/PO block polymer, alkylphenolethoxylate resins, di-epoxides base).