Anteseden dari purchase intention terhadap brand fashion lokal
Nomor Panggil : 022001906005
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2023
Pembimbing 1 : Sri Vandayuli Riorini
Subyek : Consumer behavior;Brand loyalty
Kata Kunci : source credibility, source style, argument quality, homophily, eWOM credibility, eWOM adoption, purc
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001906005_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001906005_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001906005_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 13 | |
4. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001906005_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf | 23 |
5. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001906005_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf | 26 |
6. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001906005_Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf | 29 |
7. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001906005_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf | 21 |
8. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001906005_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 5 | |
9. | 2023_TA_SMJ_022001906005_Lampiran.pdf | 104 |
P Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji dan menganalisis peran source credibility, sourcestyle, argument quality, dan homophily terhadap eWOM credibility dan eWOMadoption terhadap purchase intention pada pengguna social media instagram dantiktok. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 220 responden. Jenispenelitian yang digunakan adalah uji hipotesis menggunakan cross sectional dengandata yang akan digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data primer melalui penyebarankuesioner kepada unit analisis yang dituju, dengan teknik teknik pengambilan sampelyang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan metodeStructural Equation Model (SEM) sehingga hasil data penelitian ini, yaitu: sourcecredibility memiliki dampak positif pada eWOM credibility, source style tidakberpengaruh positif terhadap eWOM credibility, argument quality berpengaruh positifterhadap eWOM credibility, homophily memiliki dampak positif pada eWOMcredibility, eWOM credibility memiliki dampak positif pada eWOM adoption, eWOMadoption memiliki efek positif pada purchase intention.
T The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the role of source credibility,source style, argument quality, and homophily on eWOM credibility and eWOMadoption on purchase intention of Instagram and TikTok social media users. Thesample used in this study amounted to 220 respondents. The type of research used ishypothesis testing using cross sectional with the data to be used in this study is primarydata through distributing questionnaires to the intended unit of analysis, the samplingtechnique used is purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using the StructuralEquation Model (SEM) method so the results of this study are: source credibility hasa positive impact on eWOM credibility, source style has no positive effect on eWOMcredibility, argument quality has a positive effect on eWOM credibility, homophily hasa positive impact on eWOM credibility, eWOM credibility has a positive impact oneWOM adoption, eWOM adoption has a positive effect on purchase intention.