Hubungan tingkat kepedulian dan pengetahuan orang tua pada anak dalam menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut : Kajian pada orang tua dari siswa-siswi SON 02 Cinagara Bogor
Nomor Panggil : 150 YUN h
Penerbit : FKG - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2011
Pembimbing 1 : Tritana Ghondoyoewono
Subyek : Dental hygienist;Oral health
Kata Kunci : concern, knowledge, parents of students of SON 02 Cinagara Bogor, dental and oral health.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Halaman-judul.pdf | 11 | |
2. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Lembar-pengesahan.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Bab-1-Pendahuluan.pdf | 2 | |
4. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Bab-2-Tinjauan-pustaka.pdf | 69 |
5. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Bab-3-Kerangka-teori-dan-hipotesis.pdf | 6 |
6. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Bab-4-Metode-penelitian.pdf | 15 |
7. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Bab-5-Hasil-penelitian.pdf | 42 |
8. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Bab-6-Pembahasan.pdf | 9 |
9. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Bab-7-Kesimpulan-dan-saran.pdf | 3 |
10. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 3 | |
11. | 2011_TA_KG_04007213_Lampiran.pdf | 165 |
Kepedulian merupakan faktor yang berhubungan dengan pengetahuan dalam menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada orang tua dari siswa-siswi SDN 02 Cinagara Bogor, menggunakan skala Likert, dengan pengujian data menggunakan suatu perangkat komputer SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) dengan uji korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Uji Validitas dan reliabilitas pada kuesioner kepedulian dilakukan pada tahap pertama dan diserahkan ke 30 koresponden, berisi 48 butir pernyataan tentang kepedulian. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas, dari 48 pernyataan terdapat 7 pernyataan yang gugw·. sehingga pernyataan yang valid berjumlah 41 butir dengan nilai koefisien (r) yang valid berkisar antara 0.257- 0,693, sedangkan dari uji reliabilitas didapatkan nilai Alpha Cronbach (a) = 0.893 yang menunjukkan bahwa jawaban responden terhadap pernyataan-pernyataan yang digunakan untuk mengukur masing-masing konsep adalah konsisten dan pengukuran dianggap dianggap dapat dipercaya dan diandalkan. Uji analisis data
C Concern is a factor associated with knowledge to keep dental and oral health. The research was conducted on parents of students of SDN 02 Cinagara Bogor, using a Likert scale, with the data test using a computer software named SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) with a Perason Product Moment correlation test. Validity and reliability test of concer questionnaires carried out at the first stage and submitted to 30 respondents, contains 48 statement about concern. Based on the result of validity test, from 48 statements, 7 statements is confirmed not valid, so that the\alid items claims totaled 41 statements with the coefficient (r) of the valid items range between 0,257 - 0,693, wheras the value obtained from the reliability test Cronbach Alpha (a) = 0,893 which showed that respondents answers of the statements that are used to measure each concept is considered to be consistent and the measurement is reliable. Data analysis performed on the second stage of the questionnaire results on 128 samples with 46 questions about dental and oral health knowledge, and 41 statements about concern. The data was analyzed using Pearson correlation test. Based on the Pearson correlation test, the results showed there is a positive correlation between concern and knowledge, with Pearson correlation coefficient= 0,222 with a number of significant (p-value) = 0,05 which means that the correlation between the two variables are significant.