Analisis CO, PM10 dan PM2,5 di Parkir Bawah Tanah (Basement) Mall X Jakarta Barat
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2018
Pembimbing 1 : Hernani Yulinawati
Pembimbing 2 : rer. nat Hillarion Widyatmoko
Subyek : Air quality;Management of the environment
Kata Kunci : CO, PM10, PM2,5, basement, mall
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2018_TA_STL_082001400068_Halaman-Judulx.pdf | 20 | |
2. | 2018_TA_STL_082001400068_Bab-1.pdf | 5 | |
3. | 2018_TA_STL_082001400068_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2018_TA_STL_082001400068_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2018_TA_STL_082001400068_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2018_TA_STL_082001400068_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2018_TA_STL_082001400068_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
8. | 2018_TA_STL_082001400068_Lampiran.pdf |
B Bangunan bawah tanah (basement) banyak dijumpai sebagai peruntukan parkir karena terbatasnya lahan kosong, salah satunya pada pusat perbelanjaan (Mall). Bangunan basement juga terdapat fasilitas umum maupun khusus seperti kantor, musholla dan kantin. Sumber pencemar di basement dapat berasal dari kendaraan bermotor dan aktivitas tersebut di atas. Penelitan ini dilakukan di parkir basement Mall X, yang merupakan mall terbesar di Jakarta Barat. Luas bangunan mall 410.886 m2 dan tingginya 52 m yang terdiri dari 12 lantai dan 2 lantai basement. Parkir basement terdapat di Lower Ground Mezzanine (LGM) dan Lower Ground (LG). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis konsentrasi pencemar karbon monoksida (CO) dan particulate matter (PM10 dan PM2,5) di parkir basement LGM dan LG; menganalisis hubungan antara temperatur, kelembaban, jumlah kendaraan terhadap konsentrasi pencemar CO, PM10 dan PM2,5; menganalisis hubungan antara ketiga pencemar dan gangguan kesehatan yang dapat dirasakan pada pekerja. Pengukuran dilakukan satu minggu di 7 titik lokasi LGM dan 5 titik lokasi LG dengan interval waktu siang, sore dan malam. Alat ukur CO yaitu GasAlert MicroClip XL dan Particle Counter HT 9600 untuk PM10 dan PM2,5. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah konsentrasi rata-rata harian untuk CO tertinggi 53 ppm di LGM titik 7 hari Minggu, PM10 tertinggi 612 µg/m3 di LGM titik 5 hari Minggu, dan PM2,5 tertinggi 252 µg/m3 di LGM titik 5 hari Sabtu. Konsentrasi CO dan PM10 telah melebihi Baku Mutu Kualitas Udara dalam Ruangan PERGUB DKI Jakarta No. 54 Tahun 2008 dan PM2,5 telah melebihi WHO Air Quality Guidelines Tahun 2005. Pada lokasi LGM temperatur menunjukkan hubungan terhadap konsentrasi pencemar di titik 1 dan 7 untuk kelembaban. Sedangkan lokasi LG, temperatur menunjukkan hubungan terhadap konsentrasi PM10 dan PM2,5 di titik 2 dan untuk kelembaban di titik 1 dan 2. Jumlah kendaraan berhubungan erat dengan konsentrasi CO dibandingkan PM10 dan PM2,5. Rasio PM10 : PM2,5 yaitu 2,09:1 artinya PM10 mengandung 52,2% PM2,5. Gangguan yang paling sering dirasakan pekerja adalah gejala mata pedih (45%), kadang-kadang sesak nafas dan tenggorokan kering (55%), namun tidak pernah terjadi pekerja yang pingsan saat bekerja di parkir basement. Saran kepada management Mall X untuk lebih memperhatikan kualitas udara di parkir basement dengan menggunakan sistem ventilasi yang mengacu pada SNI 03-6572-2001 Tata Cara Perancangan Sistem Ventilasi dan Pengkondisian Udara pada Bangunan Gedung.
B Basement is widely used as a parking lot due to limited vacant land, one of them is at a shopping center (Mall). In basement, public facilities are available such as office, prayer room, and also canteen. The sources of air pollutants in basement can come from motor vehicle and other activities. This research is done in Mall X basament parking lot, which is the biggest Mall in West Jakarta. The area of this mall is 886 m2 and the height is 52 m which consists of 12 floors and 2 basement floors. Basement parking lot is located in the Lower Ground Mezzanine (LGM) and Lower Ground (LG). The aim of this research is to analyze the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) pollutants and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2,5) in the LGM and LG; analyze the correlation between temperature, humidity, and number of vehicles to pollutant concentrations of CO, PM10 and PM2,5; analyze the correlation between the three polluters and health problems of workers. Sampling were carried out for one week at 7 points were located in LGM and 5 points were located in LG with day, afternoon and night intervals. The CO measuring instrument used is GasAlert MicroClip XL and Particle Counter HT for PM10 and PM2,5. The result is the highest average daily concentration for CO is 53 ppm located at LGM point 7 on Sunday, for PM10 is 612 µg/m3 located at LGM point 5 on Tuesday, and for PM2,5 is 252 µg/m3 located at at LGM point 5 on Saturday. The CO and PM10 concentrations have exceeded the Indoor Air Quality Quality Standards that set in Regulation of the Governor DKI Jakarta No. 54 Year 2008 and PM2,5 concentrations have exceeded the WHO Air Quality Guidelines 2005. At the LGM location the temperature shows a correlation to pollutant concentrations at point 1 and shows a correlation to humidity at point 7. While at the LG location, the temperature shows a correlation to the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 at point 2 and shows a correlation to humidity at point 1 and 2. The number of vehicles is closely related to CO concentrations compared to PM10 and PM2.5. The ratio of PM10: PM2.5 is 2.09 : 1, it means that PM10 contains 52.2% PM2.5. Health problems that most often felt by workers were symptoms of sore eyes (45%), shortness of breath and dry throat (55%), but there was never happened a worker who fainted while working in the basement parking lot. Suggestions for Mall X management to pay more attention to air quality in basement parking by using a ventilation system that refers to SNI 03-6572-2001 Procedures for Designing Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems in Buildings.