Analisis Smart Supply Chain (SSC) dan supply chain resilience dalam mendukung smart technology dan dampaknya pada operational performance pada perusahaan geothermal.


Oleh : Ismail

Info Katalog

Pembimbing 3 : Ismail

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Kata Kunci : smart supply chain, operational performance, supply chain resilience, smart technologies

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Status : Lengkap

P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ppengaruh smart supply chainterhadap operational performance, supply chain resilience dan smart technologies sertaperan smart technologies dalam memediasi pengaruh smart supply chain terhadapoperational performance dan memoderasi supply chain resilience terhadap operationalperformance pada perusahaan geothermal. Desain penarikan sampel yang digunakanpada penelitian ini adalah non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling.Data yang diolah berasal dari 242 responden kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metodeStructural Equation Modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menemukan smart supply chainberpengaruh positif terhadap operational performance. Hasil penelitian menemukansmart supply chain berpengaruh positif terhadap supply chain resilience dan smarttechnologies, Supply chain resilience berpengaruh positif terhadap smart technologiesdan operational performance dan smart technologies berpengaruh positif terhadapoperational performance. Dari penelitian menemukan smart technologies mampumemediasi pengaruh smart supply chain terhadap operational performance namun tidakmampu memoderasi pengaruh supply chain reselience terhadap operationalperformance. Berdasarkan hal tersebut management dapat memaksimalkan danmengoptimalkan penggunaan smart supply chain technologies untuk mendukungpenerapan smart technology dan implikasinya adalah kinerja operasional yang lebihbaik.

T This research aims to analyze the influence of smart supply chains on operationalperformance, supply chain resilience and smart technologies as well as the role ofsmart technologies in mediating the influence of smart supply chains on operationalperformance and moderating supply chain resilience on operational performance ingeothermal companies. The sampling design used in this research was non-probabilitysampling with purposive sampling technique. The processed data came from 242respondents and then analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method.The research results found that smart supply chains have a positive effect onoperational performance. The research results found that smart supply chains had apositive effect on supply chain resilience and smart technologies. Supply chainresilience had a positive effect on smart technologies and operational performance andsmart technologies had a positive effect on operational performance. The researchresults found that smart technologies were able to mediate the influence of smart supplychains on operational performance but were unable to moderate the influence of supplychain resilience on operational performance. Based on this, management can maximizeand optimize the use of smart supply chain technologies to support the implementationof smart technology and the implication is better operational performance.

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