Analisa budaya organisasi saat ini dan yang diharapkan serta hubungannya dengan performansi perusahaan di PT. Bank Mandiri (persero) Tbk

Oleh : Leonardus Femi Sulaksono

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2005

Pembimbing 1 : Wawan Kurniawan

Subyek : Future organizational;Culture relationship;Performance company

Kata Kunci : competition, organizational, culture

Status Posting : Published

Status : Tidak Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2005_TA_STI_06300258_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2005_TA_STI_06300258_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf
3. 2005_TA_STI_06300258_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf
4. 2005_TA_STI_06300258_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2005_TA_STI_06300258_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2005_TA_STI_06300258_Bab-4_Pengumpulan-dan-Pengolahan-Data.pdf
7. 2005_TA_STI_06300258_Bab-5_Analisa-Pengolahan-dan-Usulan.pdf
8. 2005_TA_STI_06300258_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
9. 2005_TA_STI_06300258_Lampiran.pdf

P PT. Bank Mandiri merupakan sebn.ab. perus an ya11g bergerak pada bidang. perhankan. Untuk .itu :agar dapat ber.saing dan memen.angkan dalam.kompetisi ·denganperuscihaan perbankan ·1ainnya; maka·PT BANK MANDIRL(PERSERO) T.bk hamsselalu melakukan terobosan · yang ·cepat dau tepat Maka i.tu· harus meui.11gkatkan budaya organisasi yang dapat mampu menjadi daya·saing yang andal dan·dapat meningkatkan perfonnansi perusaharui .Menumt Cameron dan Qi\'rinn (!999) bi.1ctaya organisasi terbagi menjadi 4.yaitu: budaya clan, budaya adhokrasi,. burl.ayamarke-t clan burlaya hierarchy. Adapuntujuan dari penelitian ini adalah· Mengidentifi.kasi j_enis budaya · pemsahaan yang JYalillg dom:fuan at·in:f dan mas-a mendatang dengmr menggu:rrakan kuesfoner hcrsil adaptasi dari. The Competing. Values Framework uleh Cameron dan.Quinn· ( l999),. Menganalisa performansi yang-ada pada perusahaan saat ini,. Menganalisa hubungan peTformansi pemsahaan dengan brrdaya: orgaillsasi dan Memberikan usu:lan perubahan kepada perusahaan untuk rnernbentuk budaya perusahaan yang- diinginkan di rnasamendatang sefunw diharapkan dapat membuat pezfonnansi perusahaan mening}mt.Pengurnpu1an daur·budaya orgarusasi darr ·p-ertbrrrra:rrsi perusahaarr ·disebarkfilr ke ernpat department yaitu department Board Protocol Administration and Suport,. department . Corporate CommuniCatiOns, department Unit Peifonnance Polfetes andProcedUre dan department Investor Relation. yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah ·budaya -organisa5\'1. di department Board Protocol Administration · and Supportpada saat ini sedil

W With the banking competition in the banking industry, has created a highly competitive condition whether for local or foreign banks. PT. Bank Mandiri is a company which operates in a banking operation. In order to compete and obtain a market share in the competition with other companies, thus, PT. Bank Mandiri (PERSERO) Tbk should create a proper benchmark effort. And therefore, OT. Bank Mandiri should improve its organizational culture in order to perform properly in the competition arena and also to be able to improve the company\'s performance.According to Cameron and Quinn (1999), organizational culture is divided into 4 categories : Clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchy cultures. The objective of this research is to identify the most dominant company\'s culture, in the present time and in the future by using questionnaire which was adapted from The Competing Values Framework by Cemeron and Quinn (1999), to analyze the company\'s performance, analyzing the company\'s perfonnance and the organizational culture and providing suggestions of improvement for the company in order to shape preferred company\'s culture in the future and also expected improve the company\'s performance.Data collecting about the organizational culture and company\'s performance, was implemented and distributed to four departments, which are : Board Protocol Administration and Support, Corporate Communications, Unit Performance Policies and Procedure and Investor Relation departments. The conclusion of this research is, the organizational culture of Board Protocol Administration and Support department is dominated by Clan culture with the mean value of 3.95, and the future expected of Board Protocol Administration and Support department is dominated by hierarchy culture with the mean value of4.37. While for the organizational culture of Corporate Communication department is dominated by Clan culture with the mean value of 3.94, and the future expected of Corporate Communication department is dominated by hierarchy culture with the mean value of 4.35. And for the organizational culture of Unit Perfonnance Policies and Procedures department is dominated by Clan culture with the mean value of 3.57, and the future expected of Corporate Communication department is dominated by hierarchy culture with the mean value of 4.56. While for the organizational culture of Investor Relations department is dominated by Clan culture with the mean value of 3.89, and the future expected of Investor Relations department is dominated by hierarchy culture with the mean value of 4.38. And the performance rate of the Board Protocol Administration and Support have a mean value of 4.48, and the perfonnance rate of the Corporate Communication have a mean value of 3.22, the performance rate of the Unit Perfonnance Policies and procedures have a mean value of 3.42, and the performance rate of the Investor Relations have a mean value of 4.21.And the suggestion was suggested in order to shape a better organizationa l culture in the future is, the management should motivate its employees in order to improve their quality.

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