Penggunaan lean manufacturing untuk menurunkan manufacturing lead time pada proses produksi Air Minum dalam Kemasan (AMDK) galon 19 liter di CV. D&D Jaya

Oleh : Dilla Lutfiani

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2023

Pembimbing 1 : Docki Saraswati

Pembimbing 2 : Novia Rahmawati

Subyek : Production control;Lean manufacturing;Six sigma (Quality control standard)

Kata Kunci : bottled drinking water, lean manufacturing, value stream mapping, reduce mlt.

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2023_TA_STI_063001800022_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2023_TA_STI_063001800022_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf
3. 2023_TA_STI_063001800022_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 6
4. 2023_TA_STI_063001800022_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf 11
5. 2023_TA_STI_063001800022_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2023_TA_STI_063001800022_Bab-4_Analisa-dan-Pembahasan.pdf
7. 2023_TA_STI_063001800022_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf 3
8. 2023_TA_STI_063001800022_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
9. 2023_TA_STI_063001800022_Lampiran.pdf

C CV. D&D JAYA merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam Industri Air MinumDalam Kemasan (AMDK) dengan merek dagang “Banyu Thirta Widhi”. Perusahaanmemproduksi empat produk yaitu Air Minum Dalam Kemasan Galon 19 liter, AirMinum Dalam Kemasan Botol 1500 ml, Air Minum Dalam Kemasan Botol 600 ml danAir Minum Dalam Kemasan Gelas 240 ml. Jumlah produksi Air Minum DalamKemasan Galon 19 liter memiliki jumlah permintaan yang paling tinggi dibandingkandengan produk lain yaitu sebanyak 30%. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan,jumlah produksi pada bulan Februari sampai dengan Juni tidak dapat memenuhipermintaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi pemborosan yangterjadi dan memberikan usulan perbaikan untuk menurunkan manufacturing lead timedan meningkatkan jumlah produksi agar memenuhi permintaan konsumen.Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, didapatkan manufacturing lead time (MLT)sebesar 22786,11 detik atau 379,76 menit dan process cycle efficiency (PCE) dengannilai 45,34%. Proses produksi terdiri dari kegiatan value added (VA) sebanyak 10330,9detik, kegiatan non value added (NVA) sebanyak 1644,7 detik, dan kegiatan necessarynon value added (NNVA) menghabiskan waktu sebanyak 10810,51 detik. Adapunwaste (pemborosan) yang terjadi adalah tiga jenis, yaitu: overprocessing, motion, dantransportation. Usulan perbaikan yang diberikan adalah penggabungan beberapaaktivitas, membuat standar operasional prosedur untuk proses produksi, penambahanwater quality monitor untuk menggantikan TDS Meter, penambahan trolley untukmemindahkan galon dari gudang penyimpanan, dan penambahan conveyor roller untukmemindahkan galon ke area loading. Usulan perbaikan dapat menurunkan MLT yangawalnya adalah 22786,11 detik, turun menjadi 21124,39 detik. Jumlah MLT berkurangsekitar 1661,72 detik atau 27,69 menit. Usulan perbaikan yang diberikan jugameningkatkan PCE dari 45,34% menjadi 49,11%. Berdasarkan perhitungan setelahusulan perbaikan, capaian produksi dapat memenuhi permintaan. Awalnya rata – ratapermintaan per bulan adalah 2995,4 galon dengan rata – rata aktual produksi sebanyak2723,2 galon. Setelah perbaikan, rata – rata produksi meningkat menjadi 3088,21 galonper bulan, sehingga permintaan dapat terpenuhi

C CV. D&D JAYA is a company engaged in the Bottled Drinking Water Industry(AMDK) with the trademark "Banyu Thirta Widhi". The company produces fourproducts: 19 liter gallons, 1500 ml bottles, 600 ml bottles and 240 ml glasses. The totalproduction of 19 liter Gallons has the highest amount compared to other products,namely as much as 30%. Based on research conducted, the amount of production inFebruary to June did not meet demand. The purpose of this research is to identify thewaste that occurs and provide recommendations for improvements to reducemanufacturing lead time and increase the amount of production to meet consumerdemand. Based on the results of data processing, the manufacturing lead time (MLT)was obtained at 22786.11 seconds or 379.76 minutes and process cycle efficiency(PCE) with a value of 45.34%. The production process consists of 10330.9 seconds ofvalue added (VA) activities, 1644.7 seconds of non-value added (NVA) activities, and10810.51 seconds of necessary non value added (NNVA) activities. There are threetypes of waste: overprocessing, motion, and transportation. The proposedimprovements include reducing and merging several activities, establishing standardoperating procedures for the entire production process, adding a water quality monitorto replace the TDS Meter, adding a trolley to move gallons from the storage warehouse,and adding a conveyor roller to move gallons to the loading area. The proposedimprovements can reduce MLT from 22786.11 seconds to 21124.39 seconds. Thisimprovement reduces MLT by around 1661.72 seconds or 27.69 minutes and increasesPCE from 45.34% to 49.11%. Based on calculations after the proposed improvements,production results can meet demand. Initially the average demand per month was2995.4 gallons with an actual average production of 2723.2 gallons. After severalimprovementsCV. D&D JAYA is a company engaged in the Bottled Drinking Water Industry(AMDK) with the trademark "Banyu Thirta Widhi". The company produces fourproducts: 19 liter gallons, 1500 ml bottles, 600 ml bottles and 240 ml glasses. The totalproduction of 19 liter Gallons has the highest amount compared to other products,namely as much as 30%. Based on research conducted, the amount of production inFebruary to June did not meet demand. The purpose of this research is to identify thewaste that occurs and provide recommendations for improvements to reducemanufacturing lead time and increase the amount of production to meet consumerdemand. Based on the results of data processing, the manufacturing lead time (MLT)was obtained at 22786.11 seconds or 379.76 minutes and process cycle efficiency(PCE) with a value of 45.34%. The production process consists of 10330.9 seconds ofvalue added (VA) activities, 1644.7 seconds of non-value added (NVA) activities, and10810.51 seconds of necessary non value added (NNVA) activities. There are threetypes of waste: overprocessing, motion, and transportation. The proposedimprovements include reducing and merging several activities, establishing standardoperating procedures for the entire production process, adding a water quality monitorto replace the TDS Meter, adding a trolley to move gallons from the storage warehouse,and adding a conveyor roller to move gallons to the loading area. The proposedimprovements can reduce MLT from 22786.11 seconds to 21124.39 seconds. Thisimprovement reduces MLT by around 1661.72 seconds or 27.69 minutes and increasesPCE from 45.34% to 49.11%. Based on calculations after the proposed improvements,production results can meet demand. Initially the average demand per month was2995.4 gallons with an actual average production of 2723.2 gallons. After severalimprovements being conducted, the average production increased to 3088.21 gallonsper month, so that demand can be fulfilled being conducted, the average production increased to 3088.21 gallonsper month, so that demand can be fulfilled

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