Analisis hubungan profitabilitas dan multinasionalitas terhadap investment opportunity setn nn

Oleh : Yoga Dwisatia Wijaya

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2011

Pembimbing 1 : Wibowo

Subyek : Investment

Kata Kunci : investment opportunity, profitability, inflation, national income, firm growth

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2011_TA_AK_023070359_7.pdf
2. 2011_TA_AK_023070359_6.pdf
3. 2011_TA_AK_023070359_5.pdf
4. 2011_TA_AK_023070359_4.pdf
5. 2011_TA_AK_023070359_3.pdf
6. 2011_TA_AK_023070359_2.pdf
7. 2011_TA_AK_023070359_1.pdf

A Asset yang dimiliki (asset-in-place) dan kesempatan pertumbuhan (growth opportunities) di masa depan merupakan sumber nilai perusahaan (value of the firm). Kesempatan pertumbuhan perusahaan tergantung pada kesempatan-kesempatan investasi potensial yang dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan, yang disebut kumpulan investasi (investment opportunity set). Sayangnya, kesempatan investasi relatif sulit untuk diamati oleh pihak eksternal perusahaan, karena itu dibangun suatu model yang menunjukkan bagaimana cara memeriksa atau mengukur investment opportunity set. Penelitian ini mencoba menjelaskan hubungan antara tingkat profitabilitas dan multinasionalis, dimana pada penelitian ini terdapat variabel pengkondisian yaitu ukuran perusahaan, pertumbuhan perusahaan, inflasi, dan persentase pertumbuhan pendapatan nasional. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif signifikan antara multinasionalitas dengan investment opportunity set. Pada variabel pengkondisian hanya pertumbuhan perusahaan yang berhubungan positif secara signifikan, ukuran perusahaan, inflasi dan persentase pertumbuhan pendapatan nasional tidak berhubungan positif secara signifikan.

O Owned assets and growth opportunies is a soyrce of firm value in the future. Company’s growth opportunity depends on the potential of investment opportunities which are utilized by the company, called investment opportunity set. Unfortunately, investment opportunities are relatively difficult to be observed by external parties, because it is built with a model showing how to measure the investment opportunity set. This research attempts to explain the relationship between the level of profitability and multinationality, which in this study contained the conditioning variables are firm size, growth, inflation, and the percentage of national income growth. The results of this investment opportunity set has. In contrast to the level multinationality there were no significant positive relationship between multinationality with investment opportunity set. In only a conditioning variable that is positively related to firm growth significantly, company size, inflation and the percentage of national income growth is significantly positively related.

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