Pengolahan efluen Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) domestik menggunakan biofilter dengan media bioball


Oleh : Ratna Permatasari

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2017

Pembimbing 1 : Ratnaningsih

Pembimbing 2 : Astri Rinanti

Subyek : Wastewater effluent

Kata Kunci : domestic wastewater, biofilter, bioball, hydraulic retention time, C.N.P ratio, removal efficiency

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2017_TA_TL_08213032_Halaman-judul.pdf 13
2. 2017_TA_TL_08213032_Bab-1.pdf 3
3. 2017_TA_TL_08213032_Bab-2.pdf 16
4. 2017_TA_TL_08213032_Bab-3.pdf 7
5. 2017_TA_TL_08213032_Bab-4.pdf 27
6. 2017_TA_TL_08213032_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2017_TA_TL_08213032_Daftar-pustaka.pdf 3
8. 2017_TA_TL_08213032_Lampiran.pdf

P enelitian skala laboratorium ini bertujuan untuk mengolah efluen IPAL domestik dengan pengolahan lanjutan menggunakan biofilter dengan media bioball sehingga diperoleh kualitas efluen yang sesuai dengan baku mutu air limbah domestik dalam Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan No. 68 tahun 2016. Seeding dan aklimatisasi dilakukan selama 2 bulan. Efluen ditampung pada sebuah drum 150 L dengan bantuan pompa submersible. Efluen diolah dalam reaktor berbentuk kotak yang terbuat dari kaca dengan kapasitas 36 L, dan dilengkapi dengan aerator akuarium, keran sampling berjarak 10 cm dari dasar reaktor, dan media bioball berbahan PVC dengan diameter 3 cm. Reaktor beroperasi secara kontinyu dengan variasi waktu tinggal hidrolis (WTH) 4 jam, 8 jam, 12 jam, 18 jam, dan 24 jam dengan debit 9 L/jam, 4,5 L/jam, 3 L/jam, 2 L/jam, dan 1,5 L/jam dan variasi rasio Carbon : Nitrogen : Phosphor = C:N:P sebesar 100:5:1, 100:8:1, 100:10:1, 100:12:1, 100:15:1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi optimum waktu tinggal 24 jam dan rasio C:N:P berkisar 100:5:1 - 100:10:1 menghasilkan efisiensi penyisihan terbesar untuk parameter COD sebesar 92,27%, BOD 82,09%, TSS 90,24%, Amonia 59,26%, Nitrat 94%, Nitrit 90,71%, Fosfat 72,58%, dan Minyak dan Lemak 77%. Konsentrasi parameter COD, BOD, TSS, dan Amonia telah memenuhi baku mutu sedangkan untuk parameter Minyak dan Lemak belum memenuhi baku mutu. Rasio F/M berkisar antara 0,047 – 0,053 kg BOD5/kg MLVSS.hari. Kinetika penyisihan COD diperoleh nilai µmax, Ks, Y, dan Kd sebesar 0,0350/jam; 319,39 mg/L; 16,27; 0,0034/jam. Kinetika penyisihan BOD diperoleh nilai µmax, Ks, Y, dan Kd sebesar 0,0032/jam; 30,189 mg/L; 202,5; 0,295/jam. Pengolahan menggunakan biofilter dengan media bioball sesuai untuk aplikasi pengolahan lanjutan dalam mengolah efluen IPAL domestik.

T his laboratory scale research aimed to treat wastewater effluent with advanced treatment utilizing biofilter with bioballs media to obtain effluent quality in accordance with Minister Regulation No. 68 of 2016. The seeding and acclimatization were conducted in 2 months. The effluent was accommodated in a 150 L water barrel supported by a submersible pump. The effluent was treated in box shaped reactor made of glasses with 36 L of each capacity. The reactor was equipped with aquarium aerators, sampling tap is 10 cm from the base of reactors, and bio-balls with 3 cm diameter are made of PVC. Reactor operated continuously with variations of hydraulic retention time of 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 18 hours, and 24 hours with flow 9 L/h, 4.5 L/h, 3 L/h, 2 L/h, and 1.5 L/h also variations of Carbon: Nitrogen: Phosphor = C: N: P ratio were, 100:5:1, 100:8:1, 100:10:1, 100:12:1, 100:15:1. The results showed that the optimum variance of retention time was 24 hours and the ratio of C:N:P was range of 100:5:1 - 100:10:1 yielded the highest removal efficiency for 92.27% of COD, 82.09% of BOD, 90.24% of TSS, 59.26% of Ammonia, 94% of Nitrate, 90.71% of Nitrite, 72.58% of Phosphate, 77% of Oil and Grease. The concentration of COD, BOD, TSS, and Amonia have fulfilled the quality standard, whereas Oil and Grease concentration has not fulfilled the quality standard. The F/M ratio ranges from 0.047 – 0.053 kg BOD5/kg Kinetics degradation reaction of COD removal obtained value of µmax, Ks, Y, and Kd were 0,0350/h; 319.39 mg/L; 16,27; and 0,0034/h. BOD removal obtained value of µmax, Ks, Y, and Kd were 0.0032/h; 30.189 mg/L; 202,5; 0,295/h

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