Analisis pengaruh benefits offered by mobile banking terhadap customer satisfaction dan konsekuensinya yang dimoderasi dimoderasi oleh perceived justice


Oleh : Denta Ari Permana

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 2019_TA_MJ_022141246

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2019

Pembimbing 1 : Dyah Astarini

Subyek : Benefits offered - Mobile banking;Customer satisfaction

Kata Kunci : benefits offered by mobile banking, customer satisfaction, distributive justice, interactional justi

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2019_TA_MJ_022141246_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2019_TA_MJ_022141246_Bab-1.pdf 5
3. 2019_TA_MJ_022141246_Bab-2.pdf
4. 2019_TA_MJ_022141246_Bab-3.pdf
5. 2019_TA_MJ_022141246_Bab-4.pdf
6. 2019_TA_MJ_022141246_Bab-5.pdf
7. 2019_TA_MJ_022141246_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf
8. 2019_TA_MJ_022141246_Lampiran.pdf

P enetian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh benefits offered by mobile banking terhadap customer satisfaction dan konsekuensinya yang dimoderasi olehperceived justice.Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah denganmenggunakan metode non-probability sampling, yaitu dengan teknik purposivesampling. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah nasabah Bankpengguna mobile banking. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 310 responden.Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan StructuralEquation Model (SEM) dengan bantuan software AMOS.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah benefits offered by mobile banking mempengaruhisecara positif customer satisfaction dan konsekuensi yang ditimbulkan adalah trust,loyalty dan positive WOM. lebih lanjut perceived justice memoderasi pengaruhpositif benefits offered by mobile banking terhadap customer satisfaction.Penelitian dimasa mendatang dapat menambahkan variabel interactivity dancustomization yang mampu memperkuat konsep benefits offered by mobile padamobile banking (Sampaio et al., 2017).

T his study aims to analyze the benefits of the benefits offered by mobile bankingon customer satisfaction and the consequences that are moderated by perceivedjustice.The sampling method used in this study is to use a non-probability samplingmethod, namely by purposive sampling technique. The sample used in this study isbank customers who are mobile banking users. The number of samples taken was310 respondents. The analytical tool used in this study is using the StructuralEquation Model (SEM) with the help of AMOS software.The results show that the benefits offered by mobile banking positively affectingcustomer satisfaction and the consequences are trust, loyalty and positive WOM.Moreover, perceived justice moderates the positive influence of benefits offered bymobile banking on customer satisfaction.For future research is suggested to add interactivity and customization variablesthat are able to strengthen the concept of benefits offered by mobile on mobilebanking (Sampaio et al., 2017).

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